My Abused Mate #1, Melody

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"Five minutes." Jake said empty of any energy as he shoved me off of his bed before getting up and walking into his bathroom.

Jake meant I had five minutes to get up and dress myself plus vacate from his territory or else I would have to face more pain. I only allow myself two of those minutes to embrace myself, hugging my knees to my naked chest as I silently cry and shake. But the need to leave that humid room where the air is thick with my own agony. I got up and dressed myself in my torn up clothes and left the room. My mind was empty and drained, my actions robotic almost as I went back to the spot where the carpet was still stained with my blood. So I filled the bucket with warm soapy and fresh water before returning to scrubbing.

My hands were raw when I finally finished the spot and carried the bucket outside to dump it. On my way back in I stretched out my arms and looked at my pale skin, definitely not a very pretty sight. Too bad though, some female slaves marry out of slavery, but I have yet to find my mate or anyone who would marry me. I'm a slave till death, no one wants to marry a pale, scraggly, runt. At least it's finally time for me to retire for the evening since it is getting late. But I'm interrupted on my way to the kitchen to see if there is any left over scraps I'll be allowed for dinner. One of the elderly women stops me on my way, I don't mind the elderly here. Unlike the rest of this pack they don't bother me unless it's to softly ask for some help or for me to get them a snack or something.

"Oh dear, I've been looking for you Mary!" The old woman says softly, her soft features covered in wrinkles from living a long and full life.

"Hello Mrs.Darmin, but I told I'm Melody." I say softly with a smile of patience.

"Oh, yes! Melody! There was something I had to tell Melody.." Mrs. Darmen said zoning out trying to remember.

"What is it? Did you need me to get you some more blankets again?" I ask trying to help.

"No thank you dear, Melody got me extra blankets yesterday. She's a sweet pup, it's just so terrible she's being sent to Crimson Pack." Mrs. Darmen said, her voice becoming saturated in drowsiness as her features were shadowed in worry.

I shudder at the mention of the dreaded Crimson Pack. They were known for their part and victories in vicious wars. The Crimson Pack has also been a very isolated and private pack longer than I've been alive. There were rumors about them being a sinful pack and that they commit crimes against Gi, the earth god also known as Father Earth the father of the Moon goddess Selíní Vas. Most of the people in the Crimson pack aren't regular people but trained warriors and fighters. They were one of the ancient dark packs in fact. No one ever fought them and few packs could say they've crossed paths with the crimson's and lived.

"I-I" Not only was my head spinning with overwhelmed thoughts but also confusion. "I'm going where?" I ask her, hoping to get a better explanation since from what I heard was that the Crimson pack was not part of the trade and didn't take part in it.

"No not you dear. Melody, not Mary, was announced to be moving to the next pack. The Crimson pack has once again joined in the slave trade. I pray Melody is brave." Mrs. Darmen spoke with honest concern in her words and tone.

"Mrs. Darmen... Are you sure?" I ask trembling with fear and dizzy from all of this interaction.

"Sure of what dear? Oh- ow! Please Mary, would you be so kind as to help me too my room?" Mrs. Darmen asked weakly reaching out with one hand and clutching her head with the other in obvious pain.

I nodded feeling defeat crash over me like a wave of water. Drowning me in my hopeless panic and anxiety from this new information. What's worse is at this point I'll receive no more useful information from Mrs. Darmen when she's like this. No information about to prove if she's correct. No details like when I'd be sent to the Crimson pack. Not even guidance or counsel on if the rumors of Crimson Pack are real.

But as we pass the spray painted door belonging to Jake on the way to the stairs  to go up to the elderly floor, I couldn't help but think; what if this is how I could escape him. But another part of me, the part of me that darkens my thoughts and fuels my panic, could only feel like I'm being sent somewhere worse. Somewhere that I'll get hurt worse.

When we finally get to Mrs. Darmen's room I help her get ready and into bed. She is so quiet with glazed over eyes that seem to be looking at another world. I don't mind though, the quiet was comfortable. But just as I was about to leave she sits up in her bed.

"Melody it will only get worse before it gets better and you can't run from fate which binds is to ours mate." She says softly and determined.

"What." I ask confused.

"Sorry Mary my husband told me I need to tell a Melody that before she goes off tomorrow." Mrs. Darmen says laying back down and closing her eyes.

"But Mrs. Darmen your husband is..." I started but it was too late the old woke was snoring softly.

"Goodbye." I whisper as I close the door and head back down to the kitchen to hunt for scraps.

Authors Note
Oh my old this went from being around 500 words to being 1865 words. Yes I know it is still not perfect but please keep in mind I'm young and still learning! So please be kind in the comments but feel free to give constructive criticism! Also I have messaged and asked by a couple of people if you can make fan art of my book character, so I'll answer that here.... YES! Feel free to do so and even feel free to post it on a social media platform just let me know if you do so I can check it out and see your wonderful creations! Thank you all for the love I got on the original My Abused Mate and thank you for those who have patiently read from when I started it several years ago and are still here now! It means the world! So with much love I bid you goodbye until the next chapter!

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