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Chaos was brought upon the clover kingdom as licht or patry revived all elves, who took over their reincarnation, and planned a attack to wipe out all the humans. All the other knights who weren't taken over fought against them using all their might while patry planned his next attack.

" who knew this day would come..." patry said as he watched from the top of his stone hideout, that floated above the royal capital, listening to all the chaos down below with raia waiting beside him.

" let's hurry up and get this over with. I'm starting to get tired." Raia said as he yawned while patry nodded and turned around facing some other elves present standing inside their own circles which connected to each other as they waited for them.
Patry and raia went to their respective spots as they all started glowing then soon the castle was surrounded in a black mass with a portal infront allowing other elves to enter. Patry looked out and noticed some of the knight entering the hideout making him displeased with this sight.

" well then, ill meet you at the main room, I have some other business to do right now." He said about to leave before raia had spoken up in a sarcastic way.

" already going to go out there and fight them?" He said making patry stop as he turned around.

" not me... I'll let him out so we don't have to mess with those insects." He said leaving raia there just staring at him with no emotion as he started to disappear through a portal going inside the hideout.
Patry walked down a hall way to a cell door where he opened it showing a dark room as the light seeped through the door only revealing little of the room, but soon movement was heard as feet of a figure appeared only standing there infront of the door while the rest of its body was engulfed in the darkness.
" are ready now? We will be needing your assistance right now, we have a 'infestation' of humans entering the building so I need you to take care of it right now then meet back with me at the main floor, ok?" Patry said as the figured walked closer as the light that only went up to the tip of its nose as he nodded.

Meanwhile, Everyone who had entered the hideout were scattered through out the base fighting Elves that were present in the room either by themselves or with another comrade like right now mereoleona is fighting Vetto, fuegoleon is up against Kaiser, yuno is making his way to the main room to fight the leaders head on, while for mimosa, Noelle, and charmy they ended up together faced up against rill or lira. Mereoleona had wondered around after deafeating Vetto ending up meeting fuegoleon out of the blue as they discussed the situation.

" I'm feeling tremendous power up above where the exit/entrance must be to this hideout." Fuegoleon said while mereoleona only agreed saying to go ahead a go up there while helping the others along the way. But as she was talking fuegoleon heard a small noise In The distance making him prepare for whatever was to come along with mereoleona who had also sensed a presence of another.

" who's there!" Mereoleona said as she and fuegoleon were back to back with their spells ready, but their reaction was slow as a rock hurdled towards them at incredible speed as they just barely dodged it and were now facing where the rock came from. They heard foot steps until the figure finally came out of the darkness revealing itself surprising them of its appearance.
" looks like the tables have really turned!" Fuegoleon said as salamander appeared next to him as he showed a serious expression with a nervous smile.
" hopefully we don't beat you up to bad, so let's make this quick and take you back with us
kid!" Mereoleona said as she and fuegoleon charged at it as their next battle begun.

Yuno, on the other hand, arrived at the main hall seeing patry, raia, and Ronne already there. Awaiting below a stone block that had a tablet like engraving on top.
"Looks like you finally made it." Patry said as yuno lunged forward in his spirit form attacking him but was blocked by raia using yami's spell.
" hes not awaken yet, they human soul is taking over right now." Raia said as he and yuno fell back while raia prepared his next attack along with patry .

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