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I STILL can't believe that I agreed with him to play tht stupid game. A frowned embedded into my face as I stared on the human-size teddy bear that he gave to me during our tour in Fairy Tail High academy "You know, I really don't understand myself why I agreed to him" I pouted my soft lips as I crossed my arms below my breast "I think I'm going to be crazy, I keep on thinking about that pinky"

I reached for the human - size teddy bear hand and squeeze it "Mr. In, tell me what to do" I murmured.

I know I look like I'm being possessed because I kept on talking with this bear, but you can't blame me. My one and only friend, Levy shouldn't know about the game we started. She will surely freak out.

Anyway, I'm sure you are wondering why I named my bear Mr. In - the name means Idiotic Natsu.

I laid down in my bed curling up until I could hug my own thighs. I closed my eyes as I inhale sharply trying my best to relax my mind. I shouldn't think about that pinky.

A frowned embedded into my face when I heard a snore echoed in my entire room followed by a warm hand gently snake in my waist. I swallowed before I turned my body a little and to my suprise I was welcomed by his warm breathe brushing upon my skin.

I blush furiously when I realize that I was laying on a bed with a man besides me "What the hell, Natsu!" I yell.

He groand and just cover his head my own blanket, "Natsu, get the freaking out in my room!" I hissed trying my best to wake him up.


"Don't shh me! C' mon get out!" I hissed as I remove the blanket that covering his head.

He groan before slowly opening his eyes "Let me sleep, Luce" he murmurs.

"It's my bed!"

"Do you want me to kiss you?" His intense gaze pierce until my soul, playing my pulse rate.

I swallowed hard when he slowly lean against me "Umm... I-I think you should leave, Natsu" I say pushing him a little.


I closed my eyes when I felt the warmth of his hand gently caressed my cheeks "No! Please just get the freaking out"


"I SAID NO! DON'T TOUCH ME! GET THE FREAKING OUTTA HERE!" I continue pushing him away, but it was a futile move because he was too strong for me. The tip of our nose touches which instantly sent shiver down my spine.

"NO! YOU FREAKING PERVERT!" I said while slapping and punching him.

I was about to kick him when all of a sudden my hand was freeze in mid air, followed by a super familiar voice "WHAT THE FUCK!"

My eyes wide open the moment I heard the tone of his voice. My entire classmate including our teacher is now looking the both of us - shock is really visible on their eyes. My eyes went to his face "Natsu" I whisper under my breathe.

His eyes flame with anger, his right cheeks are red and he was looking at me with an intense gaze that really makes my whole system in chaos.

"BOTH OF YOU! OUT NOW!" Our teacher yell.

I open my mouth to apologize to him for interrupting his class but Natsu snatch my hand and drag me out of the classroom. He never took a glance on me as we walked down the hall way so I clear my throat to get his attention, "We shouldn't roam around right now" I say.

Benefits With My Butler [NaLu:Fairytail Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now