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I LET out a frustrated sigh before I pressed the backspace on my keyboard. I've been repeating the same act for almost five times and I'm getting irritated. I just got a call from Aries and she told me that I only have two days to finish my draft or else my vacation leave won't granted.

Well, as of now, I really don't care if I'll be granted that leave. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go with him. I brush my fingers through my hair before I blew through my mouth.

I'm confused about his action. He told me countless times that he loves me – but as of now, I'm not sure if I'm going to believe it. His action is opposite with his words.

I didn't bother looking at him when he I heard the door of this room finally open. I instantly smell the scent of beer but I just fix my eyes on my laptop, "Why are you still awake?" he asked me softly.

"I have deadline" my voice sounds dead.

"C'mon let's sleep together" he said – I felt him touch my shoulder which I instantly remove and look at him. I saw confusion written all over his face "Vanilla—"

"Again, I have deadline" I repeated "I need to finish this."

"You can do that tomorrow" he said softly – he was about to reach my cheeks but I immediately stood up and put a distance between us. I saw an emotion flashes on his eyes "Do we have a problem?" he ask me calmly.

"I don't want to talk about it, Natsu" I hissed "Leave me alone." I tried my best not to shout on him. He didn't say anything instead he just stare on my face as if he was trying to read what's on my mind.

After a couple of second, he let out a sigh and nodded. He did what I asked him to do. Without even saying anything – he went to the bathroom, clean himself and went straight to bed.

This is what I want and I should be happy because he did leave me alone. But... I'm not gonna fake it.

Its hurt but I can't blame him. He doesn't know what I feel just like I don't know if his feelings for me is real.

I FEEL so nervous while waiting for her to finish reading my draft. I don't know why I'm acting like this maybe because I wasn't confident with my own draft or maybe because while doing that draft I have a heavy heart.

"Lucy is everything okay?" Aries ask me frowning. I gave her a confused look but my lips remain sealed "Well, this is not so you. You look so stressed and I feel like you can't comprehend your own thoughts. Is everything okay?"

I chuckle nervously "Everything is okay." I lied "Maybe I'm just stress because I need to finish this draft as soon as possible."

"This is not the first time that you submit a draft like this, Lucy" she reminded me.

"I know" I sigh, "But this is the first time I submit a draft where I remember my past."

"Is there a problem with it? I mean, I know you want to remember your past and now that you remember it. It seems like your memories are giving you stress"

"It is" I say truthfully "And to tell you honestly, I haven't remember everything in my past. I just remember some but not that much"

She gape at me "Does your husband know about it?"

I shrugged my shoulder off "Not sure" I mumble under my breath. We never talked about it and I know he doesn't want to talk about it.

It almost feels like he doesn't want me to remember everything in my past.

Benefits With My Butler [NaLu:Fairytail Fanfiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora