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Jimin pov
I rushed into the hospital and went to this old lady " miss park " she looked at me" ahhh me park she is in room 234 jut be carful because she-" before she got that out her mouth I was out I ran down to find to 234 once I got there I as them taking my baby into emergency room and shouting " SHES LOOSING BLOOD HELP" loads of doctors came to her rescue please baby I beg you be alright I'm sorry I should of been there for you
4 hours later
Four hours I have been waiting here each and every hour kills me because they are saying your losing loosing blood  and that's your life on the fucking like why didn't I go with you and spend more time with you I'm gonna kill those boys because they should of been watching you my baby not fucking dossing around and fucking some slut in my house not around you the person I was talking to was the therapist she said that my sister needed to come for her check up and I didn't want you to come because I don't want you to met my sister me and my sister are totally different she is a complete phsyco and me I'm just like her but not as bad that's why I don't want you to meet her baby I was not in a million years would I cheat on you I love you baby please be alright

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