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Tharn sat on the floor looking in another empty bottle. He sputtered throwing the bottle to the wall. He drunkly smirked he made a hole. It had been two weeks and he just kept drinking. He took 2 weeks off able to tell them he needed a mini vacation which without ever taking a day off he had enough saved up. after that day he just drank he was in the kitchen surrounded by fast food and opened liquor bottles. He didn't sleep and he barly ate all he wanted to do was drink.
"I.. Hiccup.. Can't believe i told him i liked him." He hit his head.
"He was... Hiccup good." "Ultimate.. Hiccup humiliation."
In His dranken stage he believed type planned this, get him to the brink of  showing him his real feelings just to fuck someone else.
"Fucking.. Asshole."
He grabbed another bottle opening it downing the contents.
"I.. Hiccup.. Fucking loved you."
He put the bottle down spilling it. Tears started to fall. Looking forward all the times they were together flood his mind. He closed his eyes loving every moment. From seeing type a hot mess underneath him begging for more to seeing type cooking and hugging him. Signing he opened his eyes slowly he looked down and he was hard.
Keeping the memories he slowly went down to his member jerking himself off.
"Type." He moaned.
"I.... Hiccup love you."
He jerked off fast thinking of type. He's smile, his touch, everything.
Cumming hard he took his hand out looking at his cum.
He fell down on the hard floor looking at the ceiling.
"Im...nothing....but a filthy pervert."
He Blacked out.
The next morning he took a hot shower being hung over. He put his forhead on the shower wall happy he couldn't think. Groaning he went to the kitchen eating a bad breakfest he down some aspirin, regrettably he had to go to work. Happily he knew type wasent going to be there. He transferred and tharn didn't care.
Driving to work he kept his sun glasses on til he got to the board room. Being the first one there he looked towards types empty chair and flipped it off.
"Fucking piece of shit."
The board room started to fill and tharn kept quiet downing water. Booming the boss came in tharn groaned. His eyes went wide and he bit his inner lip trying not to look mad.
Cindy followed the boss beaming.
They both stood at the head looking at everyone. The boss put his arms on her shoulders.
"Everyone before the man named type left he got this great woman to sign on with us."
Everyone clapped and tharn made a sour face.
"I'm happy to be here i just hope we all work together well and i hope im not the reason type transferred, im so clumsy." She laughed.
Tharn looked up confused.
The boss looked to cindy patting her shoulder.
"Well anyone you.touch would flinch away. Im sorry he spilled the wine everywhere. Im so happy you two got along well and he gave you one of his shirts."
Tharns eyes went wide.
They laughed.
Tharn was pissed off with himself. He remembered type told him it wasent what it seemed. Tharn Started to feel queasy. He got up quick going to the bathroom. Where he jerked off type at and threw up. Finishing he flushed the toliet leaning his head to where type once was.
He shivered lips quivered.
They didn't have sex. Type even flinched away from her. He listened to tharn.
He kicked the stale with his foot and hit the back of his head.
"Type what the fuck have i done!" "I told you nothing but lies!"
He put his head in his arms pulling his legs to his chest he cried and hard, type was gone and it was all tharns fault.
6 months later
"Now everyone make sure we work hard to get this client itll be 2500." "Meeting adjorn."
Tharn walked to his car lighting his cigreatte inhaling deep. He drove home in silence taking a hot shower going to the tv watching the stocks.
The first few months were hard but he worked hard with his contacts. He stalked type at least to a point. Tharn found where he worked but type was good. He used his contacts to be under the radar. The only thing tharn could find is the company but not where or position type worked. He could have worked from home. Tharn knew the company was 60 miles away in bangkok. Tharn had to spend a lot of money but he found places where type went but he was never consist. Type was smart. Tharn smiled the boys wanted to go somewhere new and tharn knew just the places to go. Even if he couldn't see type he just needed to be in places his been. He looked at the clock and smiled, waiting.

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