Chapter 23: By The Fire

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I do not own Tangled the Series, the characters, or the cover. I own Apollo. Thank you


"We need the physician." Adira was persistent despite Hector's disapproval. The yellow-eyed warrior was immovable when it came to protecting his family, even though Adira's logic was spot on. 

"Have him do it." Hector jutted his chin at Lance. His arms, which were cradling Varian, were unable to gesture at the man. "At least he'll be good for something." 

Lance wasn't sure whether to feel offended or not. This strange looking man obviously cared for the little guy and didn't want to be separated, but Adira was making a fair point. 

"Listen, Hector," Adira crossed her arms, her eyes never leaving weak Varian's form. "If Lance goes, we'll seem suspicious. We're strangers here. No one trusts us. Besides, you've already spoken with the physician, so it wouldn't be improbable that you would speak with him again."

"Why can't you do it?" 

"Because I've never spoken to the man. He won't follow me. I'll keep an eye out for Long Nose while Lance takes Varian somewhere safe and private. I don't want anyone knowing about this. You know the problems it would cause if someone were to discover what happened." 

Hector weighed the facts, but his heart ached to leave the boy. I don't want to leave him. Sad yellow orbs gently observed the young alchemist's tired, pale eyes. The boy was ill. Very ill. He looked half dead. The last thing the warrior wanted to do was leave him. It was very evident that his nephew didn't want to be abandoned either. 

Unable to process the conversation above him, Varian was only aware of one thing: he trusted Hector. He came back. Hector was the only person who had kept his word according to Varian's fuzzy memory. For the first time in so long, Varian felt safe and he did not want to lose that feeling. Using his free, uninjured hand, the boy clutched onto the man's fur tightly and with his eyes begged Hector not to leave him. 

Instead of continuing to argue with Adira, Hector looked down at the tiny, light-weight body in his arms. "Varian, I said I was going to be back before, and I stuck to my word. Trust me. I need to go get you help, but I will  come back, okay?" 

Varian felt like crying, but managed to nod. The boy's right shoulder and leg were burning relentlessly, and it was starting to take a toll on him. Feeling as though he had just run a marathon, the young alchemist's limbs resembled the weight of an anvil, and he could feel himself slowly slipping back to unconsciousness. 

He was exhausted. 

Leaning over, Lance and Hector helped Varian to his feet briefly. It was very short lived however, as Lance picked him up again. This exchange was cautious, precise, and gentle. They did not want his burnt right side to get infected or irritated by rubbing against their clothing. This new arrangement allowed the boy's left shoulder to be pressed against Lance strong chest. Varian noticed that this man had larger hands and a meatier chest, but he still felt secure in his arms. Allowing himself to relax a bit, Varian felt his eyes slowly droop, threatening to plunge him into sleep. 

"I'll bring the little guy to my room." Lance tried to smile at the two warriors in a weak but heartfelt attempt to comfort them. 

Adira and Hector nodded, but before they went their separate ways, Hector whipped his head around so quickly that his neck made a cracking sound. The un-phased man stared intently into Lance's eyes. "Whatever you do, don't let him fall asleep." Before either of the confused faces could utter a sound, Hector continued, "His words, not mine." 

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