orange scrubs pt.2

Start from the beginning


911 Trauma

"Let's go Avery, we got a trauma!" I said with an attitude.

"Did I do something? Why are you being so rude?" He asked.

"It's not you Jackson, it's Cristina. S-she called my Dad. And he's probably taking the next flight out. I'm just not in the mood to deal with him." I said nonchalantly.

"Where do you want us?" Cristina asked Owen.

"Uh, at this point, anywhere is good." He replied.

"At Mercy West, we do zones," Jackson spoke up.

I was standing next to Owen where as everyone else was across from us.

"When it's super busy, we just give everyone a zone, a space. The nurses put a person in that space, you know it's your patient, helps us get to em' quicker." 

I raised my eyebrow, me and Owen turned to eachother at the same time in consideration.

Cristina scoffed.

"Yeah, well, this is the E.R. not a school yard, we're not playing four square." Everyone from Seattle Grace seemed to laugh.

For some reason, her distaste of the idea made me like it even more.

"I like it." Owen and I said at the same time.

"What's your name?" He asked Jackson.

"Oh, he's mine, Jackson Avery." I said with a smile.

"Well, Dr. Avery, I'm Dr. Hunt, it's all yours, zone away," he said.

He turned to me "Can you hold it down here? I gotta go grab something real quick."

I nodded quickly.

"YOU CAN'T PRAY AWAY THE GAY!" Callie yelled.

Lord have mercy. It's her first day back, and already she's doing something.

She saw me and grabbed my arm before pulling me into a supply closet.

"Can you believe it! The man flew 3,000 minkes to make me straight. With a priest! I'm lucky they didn't bash into the E.R. with incense, all ready for an exorcism!" She rambled.

I picked at my nails, bored.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"No! I'm not done!" She yelled.

"Cal, cut him some slack. You've dated men your whole life, and then out of nowhere, you like girls. He's been consistent for 30 years. You're the one who's switched up the game. So just sit down. Have a conversation with him." I said while opening the door to leave.

"I hate you!" Callie yelled.

Just when I walked out of the supply closet, paramedics came in.

"Frank Nusbaum, 42, multiple, mostly superficial stab wounds. Vital signs stable. His buddy's got a lacerated palm." He spoke, quickly.

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