On The Set ~Taehyung

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I got into my car and started driving to the set. Today, my boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, is filming a movie after some time. Well, he went on a break to spend some time with me. He's really  sweet. I wanted to surprise him today. He's pretty good at acting but he would never let me see his movies or stuff. I wanted to know cuz its seems like he's pretty famous.
After some minutes of driving, I arrived at the location. I asked the staff to text me the location. Hehe. I got off my car and went to where everyone was. I saw his manager and makeup stylist. I greeted them and watched carefully.
"On the set!" The director screamed and the actors and Taehyung got on set. He didn't see me yet. I feel like a spy but I'm not one. I'm just watching my boyfriend's acting. I'm not Jin to spy on people.
"And action!" I hear the director say and I put all my concentration on what was being filmed.
The female actor was in the room, under the covers. Taehyung entered the room and sat on the bed. The woman removed the covers and sat next to Taehyung. I gulped. Her clothes were so sexy and her body Wow. Is..that gonna happen next...? Taehyung pinned her to the wall and started to kiss her while she wrapped her legs around his waist.
I could feel my tears staining my cheeks. I just left and went inside my car. I continued to cry and cry, sobbing and sniffling until I felt a touch on my shoulder. I look to see Taehyung. He pulled me into his embrace.
"Shhhhhh, what happened babygirl? Why are you crying?" He asked me, wiping my tears.
"You...and..that actress.." I managed to say between sobs.
"Y/nn- ahh, it's just acting. That kiss or thing was meaningless to me. Only you matter to me. I told the director that I dont wanna do that but you know..." I simply nod. We stayed in that position for some time. Taehyung went back to his shooting and I went to the library in the mean time.

~ After 3 hours ~
I got a message from Tae, that he got home. I took my books and groceries and went to the kitchen. The house was weirdly quiet. I then heard a loud moan. He's jerking off or what?
I went upstairs to our room and found.......

The female actress POV
After the shooting, Tae dragged me to his car.
"Tae w-" I got cut off by him..kissing me. I kissed him back.
"Let's continue this at home, babe." He said and we went home, to his home.

I opened the door to find that woman riding Tae, who was fully enjoying it. I couldnt help it but I started to cry. Tae looked at me and got off the bed and came to me. All I could do was slap him. I then went downstairs, took my bag and went to nowhere. It felt like I was stabbed in the heart a million of times.
I then went to cross the road.
I saw that familiar car, Tae's.
I crossed the car and it felt numb. Everywhere, everything. The car hit me. I looked around me and saw people . They were coming to save me. But I knew it was it. I wasn't going to survive that time. Blood was dripping and I could only see red water around me.
At least, he will find happiness. I wasn't the best girlfriend but he found someone, right? I wished him happiness. I would see him from up there, right? Slowly, my eyelids started to feel heavy.
"Y/n? Y/n-ahhh, I love you."
"I- I love-e you-u to-oo."

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