Lilly's Happily Ever After

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This is for @R5TheVampsfanforever. I hope you like it!

*pretend Ross is 24 in this imagine

You have been with Ross for 2 years now. He was currently on tour and you have been lonely that he's not there when you needed a cuddle. 

You were just staying in your house because you wanted to chill. You were just watching a movie when the doorbell rang. You expected your best friend but it wasn't her. It was Rydel. You were confused why she was here when she was on tour with the boys.

"Hey Lilly! Long time no see!" Rydel said hugging you.

"Hey Rydel?! What are you doing here?"

"Well.... Ross is planning something for you and you need to get dressed and I'm here to do your make-up and hair and Ross wanted you to wear this dress."

"Ohh ok!" Rydel handed you the dress and you peeked what it looks like.

"Oh My God! This dress is so beautiful. I can't believe Ross picked this!" you said so happily.

"Well actually I was the one who picked it. and I just showed it to Ross and he liked it."

"Sorry! Thank you Delly. I love it. You know my style very well."

"C'mon, we gotta get you dressed. We have couple of hours."

With that, you and Rydel rushed to your bedroom. Rydel was fixing your hair and putting your make-up.

"Why is the make-up so light?"

"Because you look prettier when you're not wearing make-up I just wanted to retouch. Anyways, your lipstick is glossy red."

You thanked her and she continued fixing your hair. After fixing your hair, you put on the dress that Rydel picked for you. 

"Wow! You look so gorgeous! That dress looks so good on you. Ross is gonna love it."

"Thank you. Do you really think so?"

"Yup! Oh My God, its 6 pm, we gotta go."

"But where are we going?"

"It's a suprise!" She squeeled

You were excited and excited at the same time. Its been 30 minutes and you still didn't know where you guys are going. Suddenly Rydel pulled up on a curve.

"Use this bandana to  cover your eyes." You were puzzled like you were thinking that they're going to kidnap you or do something bad to you. You were thinking all these negative thoughts for no reason. 

"Lilly!!" She practically screamed and waved her hand over your shocked face.

"Uh what?"

"Wear this. No worries we're not gonna do something bad to you. We're almost at the venue and Ross didn't want to spoil the suprise." You were relieved and got the bandana and put it over your eyes.

After a few minutes, the car stopped and you knew you were at the destination. Rydel helped me get out of the car. You could hear nothing but Rydel breathing. You were then stopped and was told to remove the bandana. When you removed the bandana, you saw Ross with flowers and chocolates. You immeadiately hugged him and kissed him.

"Hey Lilly! I miss you so much! For you." giving the flowers and chocolates to you.

"I missed you too." You said happily. You couldn't believe he was wearing a suit and tie. He looked so cute.

"Do you want to come in?" "Sure." You saw it was a 5 star hotel. As you came in, you guys went to the dinner table. You were about to sit on a chair.

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