Best Day of my Life

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Here you go @mama_panda! I hope you like it.

You're at the park because you're babysitting your neighbor's 5 year old child. You needed the money for the R5 concert next year.

While your little neighbor was playing at the playground, you were reading an imagines book on wattpad on the bench nearby. You kinda saw a stranger sitting next to you but you ignored him. Few minutes later, he started coughing but you shrugged it off because you were so into the imagines book. But then he said,

"Umm excuse me?"

You have heard that voice before but was not sure so you turned around and you see Ross Lynch. The Ross Lynch. You were screaming in the inside because you had a crush on Ross more on the members of R5. You didn't expect it to be him.

"Yes?" You said as calmly as possible.

"Well,..... did you fart?"

"What? I did not!" You said defensively.

"Because you blew me away." You both laughed.

"Oh Ross... That pick up line again" you said out loud not realizing you said it out loud not just in your mind. Ross looked confused, "Huh? Again? And how did you know my name?"

"Because of R5. I'm a big fan."

"Well. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"


"Randi!!" Your neighbor's son, Peter screamed.

"Yes Peter?"

"He pushed me!" pointing at his playmate. He was on the verge of crying.

"Aww come here don't cry"

"Hey buddy! Its alright" Ross said.

"Who are you?"

"Well, I'm Ross. You want to go get some ice cream?"

"Can we?" Looking at you with his beautiful green eyes, doing his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." You said reluctantly. You weren't sure you had enough money to buy for the three of you.

"Yehey!! We can go! Let's go!"

As you were walking to the ice cream shop, Ross was carrying Peter on his back and pretending he's a horse.

You smiled at the fact that Ross was so cute and good with kids. You started thinking what if he was your husband. Ross and Petrr suddenly caught your attention, they started shouting at you so you were quickly out of your trance.

"Randi? Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Come on lets get some ice cream!" With that Peter was so happy and you guys entered the ice cream shop.

You got your favorite ice cream flavor even Peter and Ross. As you were getting the money for paying those ice creams, a hand gave money to the cashier and you saw Ross, "I'll pay for it."

"You didn't have to pay for those."

"Its fine. Its for you beautiful lady." you blushed with his statement.

As you were walking back to the park, there were screaming fans coming into your direction. And so, you said goodbye to Ross first so that he could meet his fans.

"Come on Peter, let Ross meet his fans."

"Wait, he's famous?" You let out a small chuckle with his question.

"Yes he is. Come on, we don't want to interrupt him." As you were walking away from the crowd, you saw Ross mouthing, "Where are you going? Wait for me!"

You mouth to him back, "Park, got to go!"

Its been an hour since you saw Ross and you were wondering why, as you were thinking about reasons why he hasn't come back yet, Peter started to tell you, "Can we go back to my house? I'm tired." He said while yawning.

You called a cab. As a cab approaches, there was someone shouting your name, "Randi!!!"

You see its Ross.


"Now where are you going?"

"We're going back home, Peter's very tired."

"Well... Can I get your number? So that.. you know... we could talk."


You exchange phone numbers but while exchanging, you couldn't help but think that Ross, the Ross Lynch wanted to talk to you and have your number.

"Bye Randi! See you soon!"

"Yeah. See you soon!"

"Bye Peter." Peter waved tiredly.

As you were getting in the cab, Ross pecked your cheek and said goodbye. With that, you were shocked and happy.

From that day onward, you had a beautiful friendship with him but it then turned into something more.

I hope you liked it. Sorry again if it took this long to update. If you want to request again, its fine.

Hello to all my readers, sorry if i haven't been updating so after this imagine, there is another imagine and preferences so that i won't leave you hanging with only one imagine. Since I've haven't been updating for months.
Btw, the preference is from tumblr.

R5 imagines (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon