Ross imagine for @zoey0702

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*Tuesday (2nd week of the month)

You were a big fan of R5 and you learned they were going to your hometown on the first Friday of next month. You jumped for excitement and screamed. Then your mom came in and looked worried.

"Zoey are you okay? I heard the scream."

"Mom, I'm fine! I just learned that R5 is going here!" you screamed afterwards.

"Oh Zoey!"

You texted your friends the news and they were happy too.

*2 days after the R5 announcement

As you were listening to the radio, the radio djs announced that they will be having a contest for the R5 concert. In the inside, you screamed for joy but you had to listen carefully in order to join the contest. Your mom entered your room and asked, 

"Zoey, can ......"

"Shhh. Mom please im listening to the radio"

Your mom looked confused. "Wait why i shouldn't be talking?"

Your face looked annoyed but after 2 minutes the DJs were done talking about the contest and they wll post in their facebook page the contest mechanics.

"Sorry mom! There's a R5 contest. and the DJs were telling us what we need to do in order to wn."

"Its okay. can you please help me with cooking and putting plates on the table."

"Okay be there in a minute."

Your mom left and went downstairs. You got your phone and texted your BFF.


Hey y/f/n! There is a R5 contest. If we win, we get 2 tickets and backstage passes!"

(Your friends name):

OMG! really!! so what do we have to do?


Come here at my house and we'll discuss it.


Ok. Be there in 10 minutes.

You went online to see the contest on the Facebook page. 


You have to make something that showcase how much you love R5 like posters, etc.

- Food are not allowed to be an entry like cupcakes

- must be creative

- A contestant is allowed to submit only 1. Put your name at the back.

- No proffesional help.


Creativity: 30 %

Originality/ Uniqueness: 45%

Visual Impact: 25 %

The deadline of submission is on Thursday, 3 pm next week. Announcement of winner is on Tuesday next week.

Send your entries at the radio station. There will be a box where you will put 

Your friend arrived and you told her about the mechanics. You decided to do two entries, one from you and one from your friends You didn't help each other so that you won't be cheaters. You two have started making your contest entries a day after the announcement of the contest.

You have been constantly checking on each other on how's you were doing with your entries.

Its Thursday 12 pm and you decided to go to the radio station together to submit your entries. You arrived at the radio station and you saw the other entries and they were nice.

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