Ross imagine for @teegan_loves_R5

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Here you go Tia! 

You were friends with Raini. You fell in love with her co-star/friend, Ross, when you first saw him.


Raini invited you to come to see her act in the show she was on, Austin and Ally.


Hey Tia! Are you doing anything today?


Nope. Just lying on the bed, scrolling twitter and facebook.


Since you have nothing to do, you want to hang out? I'm going to film an episode at the set. I can pick you up. It's in 2 hours.


Sure! I just have to ask my parents permission.

You went downstairs and saw your parents cuddling and watching tv.

"Hey Mom and Dad! I got to ask you guys something."

"Yes Dear? What is it?"

"Can I hang out with Raini? She wants me to come and see her film an episode for the tv show she's in."

"Will she pick you up?"


"Okay good. Sure dear you can go."

"Thanks mom and dad!"

You hugged them tightly and went happily upstairs and you immediately texted Raini.

You: Hey Raini! My parents allowed me to hang out with you.

Raini: Yeahhh, I'll pick you up in an hour, okay?

You: Okay. See you later.

(Raini didn't drive, fyi, her mom drove).

You went to your closet and searched for something to wear. You found a cute minnie mouse shirt and jeans and sneakers.

You got a small bag and put all your necessities.

After a few minutes,someone rang the doorbell and it was Raini. You said goodbye to your parents.

You travelled for at least 20 minutes and finally arrived at the stage.

The security was strict so at first you couldn't go in, then Raini told them that you were with her.

After handling security, you went to Raini's dressing room.

You guys were chatting about life and she practiced her lines for the show. Then someone knocked on the door and Raini said "Come in."

Then a blonde boy appeared and said "Hey Raini! We're about to film. See you in a few."


"Raini, who's that guy?

"He's my co-star, Ross Lynch."

"Ohhh. But why does that name sound familiar?"

"Do you want to see us film?"

"Sure. Let's go. We better hurry we might be late and they'll get mad at us."

You left her dressing room and went to the set stage. You saw like a music store, you saw lots of instruments.

You stood a corner that is near the food table. Raini walked up to you and said,

"Hey Tia! I would like you to meet my co-stars."

"Hi! I'm Tia."

"This is Ross Lynch."

"Sup!" he smiled and your heart melted.

"This is Laura Marano."

"Hey Tia. Nice to meet you. I really like your shirt."


"This is Calum Worthy."

"Oh hi!"

"Nice to meet you! Its Tia right?"


After a few minutes, the director called four of them cause they're going to start filming.

As they were filming, you saw Ross act and he winked and smiled at you at some point and you instantly fell in love with him.


It was a nice day to go out. Raini was in the Austin and Ally set stage filming another episode for the show.  You wanted to suprise her by visiting her today. You wore a cute shirt that says "Born To Be Bad".

Your mom drove you to the set. You were stopped by the security guards but you keep on saying that you were Raini's friend but of course they were being cautious. They called the head and luckily he knows you and he let you in. You asked him where's Raini and he told you she was in her dressing room.

You went to her dressing room.You knocked and she said "Come In." You talked her in a different voice.

"Hey Raini! Did you miss me?"

"OMG..... Who are yo....?" then she turned and saw it was you.

"OMG! Tia What are you doing here? I thought you were on vacation with your family?

"Actually...... I lied about that. We did go to a vacation. I wanted to suprise you."

"Well you did!" You hugged each other tightly. You talked and talked since you haven't seen each other for a month.

The director called all the cast for filming. You came to the set stage with Raini. You saw Laura, Calum and Ross and you said hi. They filmed.and you guys hang out.

Ross invited you guys to his 18th birthday party and  you were happy.

*Birthday Party

You wore a cute dress, its a short dress with like a tail on the back and wore cute ankle boots. Raini picked you up and went to Ross' house. You arrived and you felt kinda awkward because you don't know most of the people there. You talked to some and even talked to Ross' siblings.

You fangirled over them but played it cool because you were a big fan of them. You were having fun with Raini, Laura, Calum, the Lynchs and Ellington Ratliff. You went upstairs to go to the bathroom but then someone pulled you into a room.

Instinctively, you pulled away but you saw it was Ross.

"Hey Ross! What are you doing?"

"Tia, I gotta tell you something. Ireallylikeyoubutiwasafraidtotellyoubecauseitmightruinthefriendship. (no spaces means he's saying it fast.)

"Wait Ross! Slow down."

"I really like you but I was afraid to tell you because it might ruin our friendship."

"What?!?!" But then Ross kissed you and you melted into his arms. After a passionate kiss, you guys pulled away and smiled at each other. You were happy but you were still shocked about what happen and you left his room happily and you interwined your hands together. You still continued to party.

After that, you dated for a couple of months and  you were boyfriend-girlfriend for 6 years.

He proposed and you got married and had 3 children.

Hey Tia! I hope you liked this imagine that I made for you. Thanks for requesting.

Want an imagine? Comment or message me in my message board.

Follow me @R5BakerMariel. You can request at my twitter account too.  If you want an imagine but don't want anyone to know your name, just message me, I can make an imagine and put a different name. 

Thanks to all readers for reading my imagines. <3

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