The Iron Lady

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The Iron Lady

Though it clearly pained her to do so, Yseult offered no resistance when her personal guards escorted her away from Mayor Pepin, heading towards the basement levels of the manor so that she could be safely hidden away. Their enemies would destroy those who fought back against them, but innocents – women and children, and especially pregnant women – would more than likely be spared. The soldiers might have been enemies but, Cupid assured Amorette, they weren't monsters.

At least, they hoped not.

It was clear, however, that it wasn't going to be the same for Pepin. He stood with his head high, watching the woman he loved walk away, tears burning down her cheeks as she stared back at him for as long as possible.

It broke Amorette's heart to watch their mostly silent farewell, leaning against Cupid for support as he held most of her weight with one arm around her waist.

Not until Yseult vanished in a turn in the hall did Pepin finally look to the two of them.

"You said you wished to see Lady Lea?" He asked Amorette without preamble.

She nodded once.

"You wish to have your powers back? You wish to become a paladin for us?"

"I do." Amorette nodded, her resolve hardening around her decision.

"Then we must hurry." His eyes looked her over, her inability to stand on her own at the moment quite obvious. "I'll have my personal aircab brought around. It will be faster than Cupid carrying you the entire way. Please, go to the front of the manor."

"Thank you." Amorette gave him a smile that he did not return.

Instead, he nodded once, solemnly, before turning away and walking in the opposite direction that Yseult had taken. Amorette didn't know exactly what he planned to do, but she couldn't imagine that he was going to sit back and wait for others to fight for him.

"Shall we?" Cupid asked, turning and lowering himself down for her to climb onto his back.

"Cupid?" Amorette tried to catch his eye as he walked quickly with her, returning to the front of the manor.

He hummed in response, focused on getting where he was going.

"What are you going to do after I get my powers back?"

"I'm going to follow you, of course. Wherever you, and I guess her highness, chooses to go."

Amorette flushed with pleasure at the certainty of his declaration. "No. I meant, immediately afterwards. Where will you be during the battle?"

"Oh." He chuckled at his own misunderstanding. "I suppose I'll do what I always do. Start helping the injured."

"Will you go into hiding like Yseult?"

"What? No. Why would I do that?"

Her hand tightened nervously on his shoulder. "So you won't be in danger. What if something happens to you? I couldn't bear it if you were hurt, Cupid."

He was silent for a moment before asking quietly, his voice devoid of any emotion. "Are you going to hide?"

"I can't hide. If I'm a paladin, I have to fight."

"So, you want me to let you be in danger and refuse to aid you?"

"That's not-"

"No. Absolutely no." His hands tightened on her thighs. "I'm not a warrior, Amorette, but do not insult me by asking me to hide."

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