The Upper World

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The Upper World

The strongest girl in all of the city, likely in all of the country and beyond, a girl who could hold the city on her shoulders, was struggling and fumbling to tie the laces on her undergarments. Cupid couldn't see her inelegant actions, as he was politely and determinedly keeping his eyes away, but the sounds of her struggles made him rather certain that, any minute now, she was going to ask him to give her a hand with the difficult garment.

Amorette, Cupid had already discovered, was very comfortable around him. Now that he knew her secret, she was only even more so. She treated him as though their relationship were years rather than only weeks old. She wasn't this open and free with other people; he knew for a fact after taking her with him to work for the last few days. She treated everyone else with a reasonable semblance of normal societal expectations.

He was the 'lucky' one who got to see these rather intimate sides of her. She called herself his woman and acted in a way that was consistent with that claim.

Cupid had found out yesterday that she didn't wear the undergarments he had bought for her because she didn't know how to put them on. She didn't know any women to teach her, and he didn't know any women close enough to ask.

Which meant that he was now in the position of needing to teach a grown woman how to put on her undergarments. Luckily, she had figured out the lower half on her own. However, that still meant he needed to provide assistance with top.

He had showed her how to tie the laces while the garment was still off her body. He had next planned to have her put it on over her dress so he could make sure it was done correctly. But, before he could suggest that, she had simply stripped her dress away and got to work with the same enthusiasm and eagerness that she had tackled most things.

Cupid, who had been too late to suggest she do it in the bathroom, had only just managed to turn so that he was facing the corner, doing his best to not follow the shadow of her body that he could see dancing there on the wall as she struggled with the act of confining her breasts.

This was a bad idea. He had no idea why he had insisted she learn this. She barely had any breasts that needed to be lifted anyway, so why make her wear these things? Because society told him that she must wear these things. Cupid stared determinedly at the wall and began to break down the ridiculous expectations of society and how they forced people to conform to a pointless standard even forgoing common sense.

While Amorette struggled with her laces, Cupid was reconstructing societal rules to keep his mind off of the fact that she was struggling with her laces.

It had only been a few days since her funeral, and she had spent most of that time with him. He was teaching her how to cook, showing her the city, and allowing her to follow him to the clinic where she continued to volunteer her time.

Amorette had a seemingly endless curiosity for the things she saw around her, and now that Cupid understood why it was all unfamiliar to her, he was no longer surprised. She had become even more comfortable asking him all manner of questions that, from anyone else, he would have considered nonsensical or outright foolish. He was also the only one she directed her hundreds of questions towards. If she had a question and they weren't alone, she would just save it for later. Their walk back home usually consisted of her unloading every question she had saved up that day.

He didn't mind answering the questions and he certainly didn't mind showing her the things that she didn't know. However, in this one particular case, it was awkward and he was wondering at the fact that, despite the suddenness of her decision to strip before him, he was no longer surprised at her actions.

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