Paladin Laid to Rest

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Paladin Laid to Rest

The next morning, Cupid woke up early to get some shopping done for their supper that day. Amorette was eager to follow him back to the market for the chance to see and experience more of the decadent upper world.

She had thought yesterday to be fantastic, but this morning, with all the shops freshly stocked, it was a marvel and a miracle. Surely, it couldn't be better than this. Did the uppers even realize just how wonderful everything around them was?

It was a quicker trip this time, since they didn't need to buy more clothes and supplies for Amorette, and they returned to his home with the ingredients necessary to make au gratin. Cupid then started getting ready for work.

Amorette, under the impression he was going back to the clinic, asked if she could go with him. She wanted to keep seeing more of the upper plates while she was still here.

"I'm not going back to the clinic," Cupid corrected calmly, sitting on his bed to tie on his boots. "I'm going to be working at the outdoor clinic in the Pleasure District today."

"Oh! Can I come?" She beamed excitedly. Her father had told her stories of the marvelous Pleasure District and all the wonders that could be found inside. She wanted to see that as well.

"Erm, my work isn't really that interesting. You'll probably be bored. And there's a lot of injured people, so it can get messy."

"I don't mind."

Cupid hesitated but she was looking at him so hopefully that he quickly felt his will wilting. The only alternative, he realized was to leave her at home all day. Which carried with it the risk that she would simply walk out the door and not return.

He was only concerned for her safety. That was the reason that picturing her abandoning him was so upsetting.

He grinned. "Sure. You can come if you wish. But you might not like it."

Amorette bounced out of the bed and immediately ran to grab one of her dresses.

Both of them dressed and ready for the day, Cupid led the way out and began walking through the city to get back to the Pleasure District. He could have bought a trip on an aircab, but Amorette was excited to walk and the exercise was good for her.

Since he had needed to wait for Amorette to dress as well, Cupid was a bit late when he walked into the tent of the outdoor clinic. Luckily, there weren't any patients in as yet.

Master Hue was already there, however, taking the free moment to roll bandages for the inevitable arrival of their first one of the day. He looked up briefly as Cupid walked inside, but had to look a second time when he spotted Amorette behind him.

"Morning, Cupid," he greeted, sitting back in his chair. "And who is this?"

"This is Amorette. She's staying with me for a while. Amorette, this is Master Hue. He's the physician of the clinic and my teacher." He very deliberately didn't mention that he had picked her up out of that clinic. He didn't think Master Hue would be very forgiving of his decision. Which was probably a sign that it was a bad one, now that he thought about it.

"Hello," Amorette beamed, waving at him.

He nodded to her. "You're a friend of Cupid's, dear?"

"I'm his woman."

Cupid stiffened, his heart racing at the easy way she said it with such a bright smile on her face. Master Hue grinned, looking from her to him.

"Are you now?" Hue chuckled, getting to his feet. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?"

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