Day 9: Saddest Anime Scene

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Ooooooh... this is a good one. I think the saddest scene is probably going to have to come from Death Note, Fruits Basket, ooooor hey look, I don't know that many sad animes! Ok so it's between two scenes (da da da duuum!):

**Spoiler Alert (again)** So it's either that scene in Death Note where L dies... because frankly I was just freaking out then. I had to pause it during his fall to the floor cuz I needed time to think (very loudly) "Nooooooooooooooooo!" and have a mini panic attack. It was a heart-breaking moment.  Then there's the part at the end of Fruits Basket when Kyo turns into the monster and runs away and Tohru chases after him. That, in itself, is not that sad. The SAD part is when she's in the graveyard and her two friends are there and the electric-y one keeps tackling the other every time she tries to comfort Tohru... Then Tohru limps off to find Kyo and that whole scene is sad too. I have to admit, I'm a real sucker for sad parts so I totally shed a tear. Annnnd, as sad as L's death was, I didn't actually cry... I was more concerned about the crazy guy smiling creepily over his dead body... So I guess that means that Fruits Basket is da winna!

So basically the whole ending part after the big reveal is the saddest scene in anime (that I know of). I'm sure there are many more heart-shattering plot twists to come! :3

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