Day 8: Most Epic Scene Ever

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This one is hard too... but for once it's not because I can't decide. I just don't really know many epic scenes, or at least none come to mind. I think if there is epic scenes to choose from, they'd probably come from Death Note, Black Butler, or Loveless (even though I've already used Loveless too much in my answers <3) Let's seeeeee... There was that ending scene in Death note... Or the ending scenes in Black Butler were pretty cool too. Then there's the ending scene in Loveless. (most of the most epic scenes are just the ending)

Hummm... After careful consideration I have decided! There were some cool scenes in all three of those animes, but only one of them had an EPIC scene. That anime would be Black Butler. Like, I thought the ending to season one was crazy (and it was at the time) but OMG it just can't compare to season 2. **Spoiler Alert**Spoiler Alert** That whole end part, when Ciel and Alouis are fighting for control of the body and Sebastian and Claude are trying to get through the maze and the questions keep switching between being about Alouis to about Ciel... And then the other part when their like, oh shit, that maid totally took Ciel. Then they're fighing and Claude gets killed! And I'm like yes, Sebastian wins! But nooo... it can't work that way, can it? So I was like whaaaaaa- cuz I wasn't sure what was going on until they explained how the maid made Ciel a demon. It was just so awesome. It wasn't really one scene, but the epicness isn't complete without all parts so hey. Oh, I think what made it even better was how Ciel looked when Alouis was in control, he just looked completely insane! And he was like standing the way Alouis does and being all flamboyantly crazy, it was awesome.

The only thing I hate about that most epic of epic scenes, it turns out suckish for eveeeeryone BUT Ciel who has a personal demon butler for life. Epic nonetheless.

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