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Angela sprinted down the hallway, heels clicking on the cold metal floor, chest tight with excitement or anxiety, or both. There had probably been time for her to change out of her combat medic uniform, but she didn't want to waste a second. She combed through her hair with her fingers and straightened the white cap on her head. She hadn't had time to put on makeup that morning, of course; she hadn't even thought about it. But now she was wishing for a sponge and a compact and a bit of concealer to hide the purple splotches under her eyes, and even the tiniest smidge of time to make sure that she looked, if not her best, at least fresh and bright-eyed. The truth was that she'd stayed up nearly all night in the lab, and been called early that morning for a mission. The only thing preventing her from falling asleep on her feet was about six cups of coffee, and the little flutter in her chest that sometimes kept her up even later than usual at night.

She dodged past agents and soldiers and technicians, apologizing profusely as she wove through a group of scientists and sidestepped a column of international troops, wishing that her mechanical wings weren't quite so unwieldy. At last, she emerged out into the bright, cold hanger. The transport was already docked, and human mechanics and maintenance bots swarmed around it. She scanned the hanger, squinting against the glare of the sun off of the surrounding snowy mountain peaks. He had to be here. Jack had informed her, all too casually, that Reyes and his crew were flying in that afternoon, so he had to be here somewhere. Unless...

Then she saw him coming towards her, looking just as he'd looked on the day he'd left, with his katana slung across his back and his mask obscuring most of his face. But his hair had grown out again in beautiful black waves, and she saw his amber eyes light up when he caught sight of her. They dashed to meet each other, and she grabbed his outstretched hands, one flesh, one metal, and held them as tightly as she could.

"Genji! Genji, I... It's... I'm so glad to see you!"

Genji's eyes crinkled as he smiled behind the mask. "Likewise, Doctor Ziegler. You didn't think I would forget my promise so easily?"

"Don't 'Doctor Ziegler' me," Angela said firmly, pressing his hand with both of hers, "I've been waiting to see you again for months. I trust your mission was a success?"

Genji nodded. "In every way. My so-called brother fled the clan, and without him it was not difficult to ensure their downfall." His eyes fell suddenly to their hands, which had remained entwined far longer than a strictly professional relationship should have allowed. "Angela..." he murmured, beginning to step back, "Everyone can see us here. Don't you..."

"Do I look like I care about being seen?" she asked, smiling coyly, pulling him back towards her. Genji laughed, and reached up with his robotic hand to remove his mask.

"You look like an angel, Angela. Is that your uniform?"

"My combat suit," Angela answered, fanning her wings, "For field work. My old friend Torbjorn helped me design it."

Genji pulled her closer, cupping her cheek with his good hand. "Can you really fly?" he whispered, leaning so close that their noses brushed.

Angela giggled.

"Of course."

Their kiss was interrupted by a wolf whistle from nearby. "Golly, Doc, I didn't think you fancied anyone! Guess I was wrong."

Angela and Genji fumbled away from each other, turning sheepishly to face the girl, who was grinning impishly at them.

"Are you a cyborg?" the girl demanded, staring at Genji with wide blue eyes, "Gosh! Those are some wicked scars. Did you save his life or something, Doctor Z?"

Angela sighed fondly and put an arm around Genji. "Something like that. Genji, this is Lena Oxton, Overwatch's newest agent. I think you'll get along splendidly."

The End

The End

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