Part 2: Augmentation

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The transport ship touched down in the hanger of Watchpoint Gibraltar at 6:30 in the evening, right on schedule. Feeling a slight anxiety in the pit of her stomach, Angela pushed Genji's wheelchair down the docking ramp and into the hanger, where Jack and his second in command Gabriel Reyes, a dark, broad-shouldered soldier in black clothing, were waiting with a couple of people in lab coats.

"Glad to have you with us, Mr. Shimada," Jack said, stepping forward and extending his hand. Genji gripped it with his good hand and inclined his head respectfully.

"Please, call me Genji. I am honored to be working with you, Commander Morrison."

"Please, call me Jack."

The conversation continued as, led by Jack, they began moving deeper into the facility. Angela knew that it wasn't technically meant for her ears, but she listened intently to every word that was said, ready to butt in if they became too aggressive towards Genji. Things had been awkward between them on the flight; Angela hadn't really expected anything else. But she wasn't about to roll over and let them go prodding away at her patient in any manner they liked.

"So, Genji, this is Gabriel Reyes," Jack said, putting his hand on Reyes' shoulder, "You'll be working closely with him in our efforts to destabilize the Shimada empire and bring them to justice. But first, we're going to have to do something about your injuries. Angela will be monitoring you throughout the entire process, making sure you stay healthy and that everything is done as simply and painlessly as possible." He shot a little smile over his shoulder in her direction. "Won't you, doc?"

"Yes, Jack, of course," Angela said. They had entered a doorway in the side of the hanger, and were now proceeding down a winding corridor, deeper into the rock of Gibraltar. The walls were close, and they were walking only two abreast now. Claustrophobia seized Angela's chest and throat. She pushed the feeling away. I'm perfectly safe. There's nothing to worry about...

At the bottom of the sloping corridor, they stopped. Reyes saluted Jack, and went on his way down one of the branching hallways.

"I know you must be tired from the flight," Jack said, folding his arms behind his back, "Doctor Markov tells me that preparations will begin bright and early tomorrow morning." Jack nodded to one of the people in lab coats, who stepped forward. He was just a few inches taller than Angela, built along stocky lines, with glasses and iron gray hair. "Angela, this is Doctor Markov, an expert in cybernetics. You will be working with him and his assistants to ensure that the cybernetics are designed and installed to properly fit Genji's specific needs. I have places to be, so Doctor Markov with have to give you a tour of the facilities."

He smiled, inclined his head to Angela, turned on his heel, and marched off like the soldier he was. Angela glanced over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of his retreating back, but they were already on the move again. Doctor Markov had taken the lead.

"Doctor Ziegler, it is a privilege to meet you," he said, falling in step beside her, "I understand you have some previous experience with the installation of cybernetic implements. Is that correct?"

Angela felt herself relax, and she slipped easily into her professional manner. "Yes, after the Crisis we had to be trained to do almost everything," she said with a smile, "I've done a fair amount of limb replacements in my time; quite routine. But, unfortunately, this is not a routine case, Doctor."

Doctor Markov nodded. "I've read the report." He leaned forward and gave Genji a sympathetic smile. "Seems like you got yourself pretty banged up, is that right?"

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