☕ Introduction ☕

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Welcome to the Lattes Word Book!

In this chapter, you will be enlightened on the purpose of this book.


                 This book is mainly for the purpose of learning and discovering new words. You probably have heard but didn't bother finding out what it means. Here, the contents of this book are based on unique, exquisite and beautiful words. Below are the main things we will achieve in this book. They are;

☕ Regular updates. We learn new words every day but we can't type all words every day but updates will be regular.

☕ There will be examples of how to use these words, in order to aid the word lovers.

☕ There will possibly be synonyms and antonyms for each word.

☕ There will be a chapter for viewers to drop words, they wish to be published in the book.

☕ Commenting is also allowed. You are free to say your thoughts and commune with other viewers, just don't just be rude.

☕ There will be different varieties of words, so buckle up word lovers, for this ride is about to get bumpy and fun!

Oh darlings, let's go on an adventure!

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