"Joke?" Bagman replied, bewildered. "No, no, not at all! Both their names just came out the Goblet, at the same time mind you, in a spectacular explosion!"

Delacour was frowning now, "Evidently there has been a mistake. They cannot compete, they are too young."

"I second that, can I please withdraw my name? I'd rather not disrupt the integrity of the number three, I was rather looking forward to the satisfying demonstration of a triple triad. Three champions, three tasks, three schools, who needs the number five in that," Peter said nervously, "I mean, it is an honorary even number but that's totally besides the point."

During his anxious rambles, more adults quickly made their way into the chamber. Headmaster Dumbledore, Mr. Crouch, Moody, Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

Snape positioned himself next to Peter and gave him a sharp glare, "Right, yup, shutting up," Peter said quickly.

Bagman wasn't sure how to respond to Peter's comments about numbers, nor did he seem to care too much except to note the strangeness of it. He had let go of the young champions and Peter slightly shifted himself towards Snape. He was silently freaking out now but having a familiar authoritative figure nearby was a small comfort. Even if it was Snape.

'Pete, the grumpy potion's teacher is staring at me,' Leia whispered.

Peter had to put great effort into not bursting out with relieved laughter, in the commotion he'd completely forgotten Leia was still in his hood. He put a hand on his shoulder so he could lightly pet the owl's soft feathers. She snuggled her head against his hand in a way that kept her hidden from the rest of the rooms occupants.

"Madame Maxime!" Fleur the moment she spotted the foreign headmistress, within the next second she was standing next to the giant woman. "They are saying that these little boys are to compete also!"

Peter had to hold back a scoff, and he could sense Harry's anger at the comment. Both of them had been through far too much to be considered that of all things.

The headmistress drew herself up to her full height, her head nearly touching the chandelier. "What is the meaning of this, Dumbledore?" she demanded.

"I'd rather like to know that myself," Karkaroff chimed in, though he didn't sound nearly as outraged. He looked towards Peter with an amused grin and narrowed icy eyes, " Two Hogwarts champions and an additional school participating? I don't remember any of this, or have I read the rules wrong?" He gave a curt laugh as his eyes shifted from Peter to Harry.

"This is impossible! Additional school aside, Hogwarts cannot be permitted two champions. It is the most injustice!" Madame Maxime had placed her hand on Fleur's shoulder almost protectively. Both glaring at Peter and Harry, but the Slytherin seemed to get the most scrutiny.

Peter shrank away as he avoided reading into their minds, he didn't need to know the extent of those glares. Suddenly, he felt a strong hand on his other shoulder, as Professor Snape now stood next to him glaring at the Beauxbatons' champion and her headmistress. Peter was almost thrown back by the gesture, but truthfully, it made sense that the Slytherin's head of house would be protective of those under his care.

"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore," Karkoroff kept his steely smile but his eyes were still cold, Peter was half convinced he was trying to shoot daggers out of his gaze, "We would have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools if we'd known."

"This is no one's fault but Stark's, Karkaroff," Moody said harshly. He had been waiting quietly in the corner to the point that Peter had hardly noticed him, like a snake waiting for his chance to take the perfect strike.

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