two - the ground rules

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"Before we kind of step into this again, I think there's a lot that we probably could discuss  about the ways the old Jonas years worked and how even the three of us felt about the way things were supposed to be. And that fear that everything would go away at any minute. To do this the right way, we need to make sure everyone feels comfortable and just focus on being brothers."

"And probably stop looking at it through rose colored glasses too." Kevin adds to what Nick is explaining "Actually have an open conversation about it." him and Joe both silently turn towards Nick to see his answer

"Yeah." the younger Jonas willingly cooperates

"Like, some things just won't work." Kevin openly admits

"Like what?" Nick scratches his head and asks

"I- I don't know yet. I haven't figured it out. I think just having that open dialogue instead of rehearsals being like, "This is what it's gonna be." " Kevin tries to explain his point

"What are you really saying?" Nick asks for clarity

"I don't understand." Joe admits

"Building a set list-" Kevin starts

"I'm saying I will do that." Nick interrupts his older brother

"Yeah, yeah." Kevin agrees

"Yeah, that's what I'm-" Nick tries

"Okay, sorry. I'm a little tired. I'm trying." Kevin says looking off-camera

"This isn't like the old days Kev." Muse says out loud the camera quickly panning to her as she's standing next to the sound technician "Nobody's forcing you into anything. You don't have to act a certain way. The only way this is really going to work is if everyone is honest and is there true self. Too many secrets, thoughts and opinions were left unsaid for too long. That's what led to the implosion that happened back then." Kevin and Joe nod at her as Nick stares at her blankly

"I think you're afraid to be confrontational. I mean, it's fine." Nick says at Kevin brushing his hand through his hair. Joe staring between his two brothers, head turning like a ping pong ball during an intense match of table tennis.

"No, not at all. I'm not at all." Kevin says seemingly being confused by what he's saying making Nick chuckle "Um..."

"Begin." Joe says encouraging the conversation to carry on, waving his hand as if he's starting some sort of a race making everyone laugh "Fight!"

* * *

A/N: As you might of guessed this is sort of a recreation of the documentary just with the addition of Muse...

Basically, I'm breaking down the documentary into like different steps or themes... like this one is the ground rules, the next one is life before fame and the one after that is the beginning of it all...

So yeah, if there's certain moments that you wish Muse would actively be apart of feel free to comment it or if there's certain Jonas things you'd like her to do tell me... such as which brother does she tend to side with ? which brother does she -at the beginning of the documentary- seemingly despise or is kind of icy with ?

Anyway, see you tomorrow ! xx

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