I'm Fine.

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We promised we would marry each other.

And now, that dream will never come true because he's... He's gone.

When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it. How could one stupid fucking truck driver take my love away from me? But when I saw the scene, when I saw him. I realized that it was true. It happened. The accident happened.

He's gone. He's gone forever and no one will be able to make him return. Not even me. Silly ole me who loved him my whole life. I can't do anything to make him come back. I wasn't able to do anything to make him stay and now, it's hurts.

It's like my heart is slowly shattering into a million pieces and my body was slowly deteriorating with it. I felt like dying. I feel like dying. It's like he brought me with him when he died because that's how I currently feel. I feel dead. I feel so fucking dead.

He was everything to me. Yes, I know it sounds so cliché and cheesy but it's true. He was my life, my love, my everything. He had my heart. He has my heart. Maybe that's why I feel nothing. He took my heart with him and now I feel nothing.

Wait, scratch that. I do feel something. I feel hurt and pain. I feel grief and sadness. I feel like nothing would ever be the same again because he's gone.

He's dead.

And thinking about it makes it even more real.

I suddenly feel fingers tapping my shoulders. I turn around and see Ellie, my sister. She was looking at me with sad and pitiful eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I wanted to slap her for asking such a stupid question but I controlled myself and just smiled.

He always said I was good at faking smiles. He was also the only one who knew the difference between my fake smile and the real one. He wasn't here though so he wouldn't be able to tell Ellie that my smile was as fake as the gold ring on her finger.

"Hey, come on." She nudged me with her elbow, forcing me to give her a reaction. I didn't even notice that she had settled herself beside me. "Are you really okay?"

I turned to her and looked at her straight in the eyes. I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"I'm fine."

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