Chapter 26 - The Fellowship Of The Turtle

Start from the beginning

As I lay looking up at the clouds overhead, the face of the turtle drifted over me. I reached up and gave it a soft push, causing the inner tube to spin slowly. Kelly's face came into view, and we smiled at each other. Her hands caught my raft and kept us connected as we drifted around the pool.

Softly, so that nobody could hear over DJ's music, I told Kelly, "Your eyes still take me by surprise every time I see them."

She continued to smile at me for a moment, then she pushed herself up on her elbows, leaned forward, and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. My eyes widened, and I started to look around to see if any of the girls had noticed. Kelly stopped me by putting a hand on my cheek and gently turning my face back towards hers. She gave me a naughty grin, and leaned in for a longer kiss.

I heard DJ say, "What the...?"

Pixie gasped excitedly.

Rizzy just managed an, "Umm..."

From Kristy, I heard a soft, but surprised, "Oh."

I reached up to run my fingers through her hair as our tongues met, but Kelly suddenly disappeared and a splash of cold water hit my face.

I heard Shogun yelling with the snorkel mask mushing her nose, "Duh end uv duh Ren-uh-zanz is upon uhs! Let duh reign ub duh So-gun be-din!"

Instead of cheers and laughs, Shogun was assaulted with complaints and boos. She lifted her mask to look at the disapproving girls.

"What? What!?"

* * *

Once Kelly finished coughing up water and the girls circled around us, either in the water or sitting on the edge of the pool, the questions came quickly.

"How long has this been going on?" DJ asked.

"What exactly is going on?" Rizzy wanted to know.

"About a month," I answered DJ.

"More like two," said Pixie.

"We've been dating," Kelly answered Rizzy.

"Well, from the sleepover, I guess it's been two. We've only been official for a month," I responded to Pixie.

"You knew and didn't tell me?" Rizzy shot accusingly at Pixie, her best friend within the group of best friends.

Pixie shrugged. "I woke up and saw them kissing. It wasn't my secret to tell."

"The first day you met?" Shogun was scandalized.

"The second," Kelly said a little defensively.

"Wait," Mey broke her usual silence, "So, Kelly was your mystery first kiss? The second night of the sleepover?"

"Yes," I smiled at Kelly. She had a huge grin on her face.

"You were Ani's first kiss? You go girl!" DJ congratulated Kelly, offering her a fist bump. Kelly blushed and giggled.

"My sister is not a conquest," Kristy scolded.

"Sorry, Ani," DJ and Kelly looked contrite.

"Was Ani your first kiss?" Rizzy asked Kelly. Kelly shut her mouth and looked down into the pool, but she didn't have a chance to answer.

"So, why were you guys mad at each other for a while? You said she wasn't talking to you," Shogun asked.

"Communication wasn't good at first," Kelly offered.

"We got it figured out," I assured Shogun.

"Why keep it a secret until now?" DJ wanted to know.

"Because my mom can't find out," Kelly said. "I wasn't really fighting with my mom, so much as getting kicked out for being gay. At least, that's the easiest way to explain it. I figured I could just not date anyone until things smoothed over with her and my step dad, but then I meet Ani..." Kelly shrugged.

"That bitch!" DJ exclaimed.

A chorus of curses aimed at Kelly's mom and step-dad broke out.

"Are you going to go public? At school, I mean?" Mey found her voice again.

"No," Kelly answered quickly. "My mom still knows people here. I don't know what she'll hear or what she might see if someone posts something. I want to keep it between us. After all the talk about coming out yesterday, though...I feel really bad about making Ani keep it a secret, and I know I can trust you guys..." Kelly looked up at me. "I'm sorry. I'm just not as brave as you." She looked down as though eye contact was hard to maintain.

"Hey, look at me." I took her hands. "I know what a sucky position you're in. Everyone that knows is another risk. I'm glad you decided to trust the girls, but I never expected you to come out to anyone for me."

DJ assumed a righteous air, "You shouldn't have to hide who you are for anyone!"

"Besides," added Rizzy, "what can she do? She already kicked you out."

"Hey!" I snapped. "Kelly, and Kelly alone, gets to decide if, when, and under what circumstances people find out. Nobody gets to tell her how to navigate her relationship with her mom. She decided to trust you guys. Can she?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to put a fine point on it.

Shogun squared her shoulders and vowed, "It is our secret, then. It doesn't leave this group. We swear. Agreed?" In another lifetime, or an alternate universe, she would have been a knight, kneeling with her sword pointed into the Earth, swearing an oath upon her life. I would have laughed at the dramatic declaration if I didn't know she took it as seriously as she sounded.

Shogun made eye contact with each girl in turn and waited for them to say, "Agreed."

Kelly took a step forward and cuddled into me as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh!" Shogun had a thought, "But can I tell Peter? I want to double date!"

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