"Elu...blue," Thranduil whispered. "Her name means blue."

Legolas stared at his father for a second or two. "Yes. As I was saying-"

"Blue, like her eyes," he interrupted. His glass thumped back onto the table, sploshing drops of dark red wine onto the pristine white cloth. "I am cursed..."

His son frowned in confusion. "What do you speak of?"

Anguished eyes met his as he wrestled with the thoughts hurtling around in his head. "I am cursed," he repeated in the same agonised whisper.

The Prince shifted his glance to the wine glass before lifting back to his parent's once more. "You are not making sense," he murmered.

"I cannot speak of this here," Thranduil said with determination. "We will speak later, in a more private setting. I must leave here now." He started to rise out of his seat, but Legolas placed a hand on his arm.

"Please stay for a while," he said. "I know that many of those we rescued in the orc attack wish to convey their gratitude, and are waiting for an opportunity to do so. It would appear rude if you were to ignore them and leave."

The King's jaw clenched as he ground his teeth. "Very well," he agreed stiffly. "But I do not intend to remain here all night. I will take my leave shortly." His head snapped up as the sound of Elu's laughter reached his ears again.

Legolas's eyes narrowed as he studied his father, but he kept his questions to himself. He pushed his seat back and stood up, taking a deep breath as he did so. "I will return to my friends," he said.

Thranduil nodded once, not looking at him. His gaze was fixed on the elleth dressed in blue.

She spoke with her hands, gesticulating frequently to emphasise what she was saying. Her brother and the maid were listening intently, although her words were lost to his ears with the distance between them.

She turned her head suddenly, her dark blue eyes locking with his.

Her smile vanished.

Never had she seen such a cold, hard look aimed at her. And he was staring directly at her; there was no mistaking it. Sheer hatred blazed from his eyes, and he didn't blink as he continued to glare at her.

A cold feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, and she swallowed nervously as she tore her gaze away.

He leaned back in his chair, the slightest hint of a smirk curling one corner of his mouth. Round one to him. She'd looked away first, and her cheeks had turned pink in shame as she'd done so.

Beside her, Ealan and Brelia were deep in discussion, and unaware of the discomfort she was feeling. She reached for her glass of wine and took a healthy mouthful.

The first time she'd set eyes on the ruling monarch, without knowing who he was, she'd been stunned by his looks. Tall enough to tower over everyone else in the palace, and with the longest, blondest hair she'd ever seen, he'd unknowingly taken her breath away. His cheekbones seemed to have been sculpted by the Gods themselves, and they'd given him a full mouth that screamed sensuality if it was ever to be kissed. His eyes had struck her as being the most unusual she'd ever had the pleasure of looking into; ice blue framed with dark lashes. Those eyes gave the impression that they had seen a million things, every one of which had been committed to memory.

The second time she'd found herself face to face with him, his eyes had been blazing with restrained fury as he'd grabbed her wrist in a grip that left no doubt in her mind that he could snap her bones like twigs if the notion took him.

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