Chapter 10

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          A week later the doctor quit giving Tracy the drugs to keep her in a coma, seeing that her injuries were healing nicely, but she didn't wake up. Two more days passed, and she still didn't wake up.

Craig looked at the doctor helplessly as he walked into Tracy's room.

"How come she isn't waking up doc?"

"Her body is trying to heal itself Craig, and she might have more brain damage than we realized."

"So, she might never wake up."

"She might not."

Tracy's uncle walked in then, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Doc, you really need some sleep, you never went home last night," Craig chided Tracy's uncle.

"I can't just leave her side Craig. I want so badly for her to wake up and what if I leave and she does wake up?"

"Then I will call you as soon as she does. You really need some sleep doc, please," Craig pleaded.

The doctor yawned. "Okay, but if there is any change, let me know."

"I will," Craig promised him.

Tracy's uncle nodded and walked out the door after kissing Tracy on the forehead.

Craig watched then as the ICU doctor checked Tracy's vitals.

"Still the same, I will be back in a few hours to check on her again."

Craig nodded and watched him leave.

He then leaned down over Tracy and kissed her. "Tracy, love, come back to us, please. Believe it or not, I really miss you, and your uncle is so worried about you. Please, come back to us."

Tracy had not been dreaming. She had been in a deep black hole, with no light in sight. But every once in a while she heard someone calling her name, telling her to come back to them. She wondered who it was, and wondered why someone was calling her. She liked where she was. There was no pain and only nice deep sleep. But someone was insisting she come back. She struggled against the black and felt someone's lips touch hers. Who was kissing her?

Then she heard him. "Please come back to us Tracy," he whispered.

It was Craig. Why was he talking to her like that? Where was she? Light finally began to filter into her brain and under her eyelids. Struggling against a heavy weight, she finally opened her eyes. The light from the window in the room nearly blinded her. Ever so slowly, she turned her head, feeling a pain in her head as she did so, but she wanted to know where she was.

She realized she was in a hospital when she saw all of the equipment hooked up to her. What had happened to her came back in a painful rush, and she gasped.

Craig who had been looking out the window whipped around.

"Tracy!" Craig yelled ecstatically, running to her bedside. He grasped her hand into his.

"Tracy, thank goodness," he sighed and pushed the nurse's button. The door almost instantly opened and the doctor walked in.

"Well, what have we here? Our girl is awake?" he grinned, and walked to her bedside.

Craig let go of her hand so the doctor could check her.

"Are you really awake, or am I dreaming?" Craig whispered, watching Tracy.

"I think you are dreaming," she whispered back.

Craig grinned. "She's back. Man, am I glad to see those lovely green eyes of yours."

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