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Dream POV:


My Error...

I miss you baby... I need you back...


I woke up. Fluttering my eyes open, I thought about Error. No stop it. He left for Ink.

I got up and sleepily made my way to my wardrobe to get ready for another day of work, meaning I had to see them... It hurt having to see them every day but I had a job to do.

So I put on my golden hoodie, that had a sun on the back which was a darker shade of gold. I slipped on a pair of back jeans along with my yellow trainers.

Once I had finished getting ready I teleported to Underswap. I walked to muffets and Ink, Blue and Error were already there waiting for me.

Blue was excited to see me and wore his usual " look dream ink and error have changed their outfits as well, now I need to find one!" He giggled while pointing at Error and Ink.

I looked at them and Ink was wearing a beautiful dress that was pink with flowers on it along with Error's jacket (that still had the golden stitching that I made to fix all of the rips and tears). Error was wearing his casual red sweater with a scarf and navy jeans. Lucky for me they were too busy kissing to notice me scanning their outfits.

I looked away from them as a tear rolled down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I didn't want them to see me cry.

---leh time skip---

After our meeting Blue wanted to talk to Ink about something so they both left to do something, leaving me and Error alone...

want you back (dream X error)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora