Chapter Nijuugo

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"In the night, don't feel alone, like stars, we shine, don't disappear because you are one great existence" -BTS, Mikrokosmos
"Korean" = Normal

"Thai" = Italics and Underline

"Chinese" = Underline

"English" = Bold

No One's POV:

"Namjoon we have to go help them, I already called Jackson and Kai and they said Mark and Kyungsoo can go pick us up at the airport.....please" Jin said pleading with his husband who didn't want to go back to Korea

Namjoon didn't want to go back, he wanted to help the brothers but if he left the corrupt council of the company would try and take over until he gets back and he can't rick them, Namjoon had wanted to fire the council but his parents wouldn't let him, he would just have to wait until they die so they can finally be gone from his life

"Jinnie, you know I can't go I want to go help them but if I do the stupid council will try and take over, I can't risk that if I do then everything we have worked for will be for nothing" Namjoon said cupping his husbands face, running his thumb down the cheekbones of Jin's face

"I know but......but I really want to help them, I'm not going without you but isn't there anything we can do" Jin said, he felt bad he couldn't try and help his friends but he wasn't going to leave his husband either

"You know I can't say no to you.....Ok I'll ask Seungcheol if he, Jeonghan, and Chan can take over our company for at least a month so we can go over and help the brothers, I'm sorry I can't extend the time, a month is the best we got" Namjoon said giving Jin a sorry look but Jin just smiled happily

"It's ok as long as we can help our friends even if it is only for a month I'll take it, thank you Joonie" Jin said giving his husband a smile and then a kiss

They both smiled at each other and then walked back to their office room to start making some calls to secure the trip back and from Korea and then to call Seungcheol who agreed to watch over the company for a month while they are over there

While Namjoon and Jin were planning on going to Korea a pair of friends were discussing going back, one didn't want to while the other though he should

"You know you'll have to return at some can't hide forever" A soft male voice said from outside the door

"I know but......he's never gonna forgive me Tao" Another male voice equally as soft with a hint of sadness in it

"It's been years Gege since you've seen him don't you think you should go back, Kris doesn't know your here but if he finds out he will have to get you back to him even if you like it or not but I don't want that to happen Gege" Tao said in a worried voice

"I know but......I ran Tao, I want to go back but I can't"

What the other male said was true he didn't want to leave his only love behind but he had to, he didn't want his love to get hurt, it pained him to be away from his love but if he ever left he would be dead

Johnny's POV:

"Johnny, Namjoon and Jin said they're coming over to help us their connections here can make sure we'll be able to find them by the end of this week.....I hope at least" Jackson said looking over at Johnny but of course, he said the last part to himself

I nodded my head and went back to looking at my phone to see if Sehyoon and Byeongkwan found any information yet all I want is to see Tennie again and tell him how sorry I am and that I didn't want all of this to happen I-I just miss him

"Johnny, you and Jackson come with me to the theatre room" Jaehyun said coming into the living room with Jisung beside him

I nodded my head and followed the two back to the room, I looked over at Jisung who looked so just so done with everything, he had bags under his eyes and looked as if he hasn't slept in weeks, my poor little brother, we all got to the room and sat down in front of Taeyong and Jae

"So what did you call us here for" I said curious of what they wanted

"Well when we all met I told you guys bits and pieces about how my brothers and I met but......I'm sorry I lied to you guys I really am" Taeyong said looking at the ground in guild

"What do you mean you lied Tae" JIsung said tilting his head in confusion

"I said I escaped an orphanage then I met Chenle in the park and helped Ten escape the Sacred Dragons but that's not what happened....I did help Ten escape the Dragons but that's not the whole story" Taeyong said his eyes glistening with tears from remembering the past

"Then what actually happened" Jaehyun and I said at the same time curious of what actually happened

"Taeyong are you sure you want to tell them Ten's story" Jackson asked his voice full of concern

"Yeah I'm sure.....It started when I was still in the orphanage, the abuse I told you guys about but that place was also used to train kids into being killers, every day they would take us outside and teach us how to kill someone and if we messed up once or showed remorse they would give us the worst punishment they could" Taeyong said his voice speaking softly almost hard to hear

"How did you get out" Jaehyun asked wrapping his arms around Taeyong

"I-I...killed them......I didn't want to I swear but it was the only way I could leave, I ran after I did, I ran as far as I could, I didn't stop all I could do was just run their voices haunted me so much I just tried to run away from them I finally stopped once I made it to the park, Chimyeongjeogin Salinja Park that's where I saw Lele" Taeyong said a few tears escaped his eyes

"Chimyeongjeongin Salinja Park but that park has been closed for years because of so many murders that happened there" I said my voice full of shock, that Park was closed to the public for years, longer than I have been alive

"It was supposed to but I managed to get in but I wasn't supposed to be there I know I wasn't....I saw Chenle's Father selling him to others, I couldn't move all I could do was watch, I didn't move I only watched them, I ran from that too, I tried to go back about an hour later but they were gone I went back everyday just to see if they would come back and that's when I did meet Chenle we had a small conversation but then the man that was gonna take Chanel followed him and he got him, I tried to get him off but I hadn't eaten for days at the time and I was so weak and they took him.....I'm not completely sure what happened to him but I managed to get inside the warehouse and got Chenle out but he was never the same, the Chenle you guys know isn't how he was, the small conversation we had showed me so much of his old personality he use to be so forgiving, he trusted others so easily, and he was so innocent and happy but Sehun ruined that, Sehun was the one that sold him to company Ceo's, gang members, normal people basically anyone that would pay even he used him" Taeyong said his voice hardening while he glared at the floor remembering Sehun's sadistic face

"How did you know it was Sehun and how did you manage to get Lele free" Jisung asked his voice angry because someone hurt his Lele

"It's funny how the world works......Sehun and I used to be friends, best friends but then Luhan left and Sehun just broke he did everything in his power to try and find him even if it meant hurting others and I........and I helped him"


Hey kittens sorry if this isn't the exact best chapter I just couldn't find a way to fit the whole back story to Taeyong's past but it will continue into the next chapter so you'll finally figure out what he did so until next time, I'll be back soon, bye kittens


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