Chapter Se

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"There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either they'll what your life or you're the one that will change theirs" - unknown


"What are you guys doing here" Jisung said looking at the other three strangers

The other three, Taeyong, Ten, and Chenle looked terrified, they didn't know what to say Taeyong was only focused on protecting his brothers, ten was so scared and hid from them as best as he could while protecting Chenle, and well Chenle the poor boy was so scared, he was shaking so bad

Johnny saw the terrified looks the three gave him and his brothers, he thought for a second before he said anything so he wouldn't scare them

"Hey it's ok we're not here to hurt you, we just want to know why you guys are here" Johnny said in a soft voice careful with his words

"How can we believe that, many people have said that before" Taeyong said glaring at them but you could clearly see he was afraid behind the facade

"We can promise on our lives that we won't hurt you just please trust us, just for a few minutes if your still not comfortable you guys can leave" Jaehyun said looking at Taeyong with soft eyes trying to show him they could trust them

"Fine I guess so" Taeyong said moving out of his protective position but not letting his guard down just in case

Ten let go of Chenle but stayed close to him, Chenle on the other hand still looked terrified anyone that knew his past would understand why, he wouldn't dare come out from behind his brother even if he was taller than him

"You guys don't look so good when was the last time you three ate a proper meal" Jisung said looking worried for them especially Chenle who for some reason intrigued him, he though Chenle was cute but would never admit that out loud

"Umm well I guess you could say none of us have ever had what you can a proper meal, it's always been scraps and left overs" Ten said while comforting his younger brother

Jaehyun's POV:

I was shocked I could see my brothers were too what did they mean they never had a proper meal, what about their parents, I know my parents are kinda shit but at least they fed us when we were younger

"What about all of your parents did they never cook for you guys" I said trying not to seem offensive but I was just genuinely concerned, Johnny hit me in the side after what I said and I understand why

"We never really had parents just people that tolerated us so we've always been on our own until we met each other a few years back" Taeyong said looking down, he looked like he didn't even want to look us in the eye

"Umm well what are your guy's names, I'm Johnny, these are my brothers, Jaehyun next to me and, Jisung our youngest brother that's next to Jaehyun" Johnny said trying to break the tension as best as he could

"Well I go by Ten since my name is hard to pronounce, Taeyong is the oldest and Chenle beside me is our youngest" ten said a little less frightened than a few minutes ago

"Nice to meet you guys umm well I know you don't trust us but would you three like to stay with us, your all not in the best shape" I said, I didn't want to just leave them here

They all look young especially Chenle who couldn't even be over 18, I couldn't just leave them like this, they all looked dirty and in pain, I couldn't even imagine what they must have gone through

I saw Taeyong look over to ten and Chenle to get their opinion, ten nodded his head hesitantly while Chenle was still hiding from us behind ten

"Ok just because I can't see my brothers out here starving for another second" Taeyong said finally looking up at me, when I saw his eyes I just felt like i had to protect him

"You guys won't regret it, just follow us on and please don't be scared we would never hurt you guys" I said giving them a kind smile trying to make them less scared

Taeyong gave me a doubtful glance but followed us anyway, now that I think about it I wonder what our parents will say when we bring them to our house

"Hey Jae what do you think our parents would say" Jisung said with a smirk on his face knowing we're gonna piss them off

"Oh i can't wait to see their faces" Johnny said with a little laugh

I could see the other three were confused but they didn't say anything, i think their still afraid of us but for some reason i want to take that away from them especially Taeyong

We finally arrived our house after a few minutes the others three looked so suprised it may probably he because we didn't tell them we lived in a mansion

"Umm you guys live here" ten said looking at our house in amazement

"Yep from as far as we remember we've lived here, so come on you three look like you need a shower" Jisung said going to open the door

As we entered I see Chenle huddle closer to the other two in all honesty it was cute but I still couldn't keep my eyes off of Taeyong for some reason this is strange

"You guys can follow me, the bathroom is close by, i can tell you guys don't want to be separated so you guys can go together just yell for one of us when your done so we can get you guys some clothes" I said leading them towards the nearest bathroom

They nodded and went in, I went back to my brothers I saw them talking on the couch with serious expressions

"Jaehyun what are we gonna do, I don't want them to go back out there" Jisung said looking sad

"I know, I don't either, do you guys think we can let them stay here" I said going over and rubbed Jisung's back in comfort

"If they want to stay here of course they can stay no matter what our parents say it's not like they're usually here anyways" Johnny said giving us a smile of comfort

I felt much better knowing we could help them, I don't think I would be able to handle it if they had to go back out there, no matter what our parents say I will try anything to protect them it doesn't matter that we barely know them, I just feel compelled to protect them, I don't understand why it's just there

"Jaehyun" I heard a faint yell from the bathroom it was Taeyong

I quickly went over there and saw Taeyong peeking out of the door careful not to open up the door anymore, I wonder why

"Yes Taeyong" I said kinda worried why he called me so quickly

"Umm well......h-how do you turn of the shower" Taeyong said softly looking down shyly, it was a pretty cute sight

"Oh haha" I laughed a bit and went in careful not to scare the other two and showed them how to turn it on

"Thank you" Taeyong said shyly still a little to scared to look me in the eyes

"No problem" I said ruffling Taeyong's hair, I've made it my mission to make him less scared

Taeyong looked up at me for the first time and gave me a small smile, I never thought I could see a cuter sight but I still couldn't understand why he's so different from anyone else

I left and went back to my brothers still in a daze from that cute smile it was very different from anything else I've witnessed

Hey kittens I'm finally done testing for the week and I'm so happy on the scores I got incase anyone is confused my school does end of grade scores in a 1-5 scale so 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest I got a 4 on the ELA test and a 5 on science, I freaking got a 99% on science I was so happy I was so sure I was gonna fail, I may update again tomorrow as I have a sports event to go to for playing soccer and I'll have a lot if free time well anyways by kittens


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