Chapter Eleven

Depuis le début

"Answer me this Kayel, how do you feel right now?" Asked Skylar, she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Right now I'm angry at you for pushing me if you didn't notice Skylar. Now what's the reason for your actions." Asked Kayel to his girlfriend.

"Because I don't like seeing you here." Answered Skylar. Everyone's eyes widen in shock, Skylar never talked that way to anyone.

"Excuse me?" Asked Kayel in shock and you could see a bit of hurt in his eyes.

"It hurts doesn't it? The way I talked to you, the answer I gave you it really hurts specially coming from me right?" Asked Skylar to her boyfriend.

"What are you doing Skylar? Let's go talk somewhere else." Said Kayel and went to grab Skylar's arm but she pushed him away.

"Answer my question Kayel Garcia." Said Skylar but it's was more of a command.

"We are not doing this here. Let's go Skylar." Said Kayel and made another move to grab her arm but Skylar once again pushed him away.

"Answer me Kayel." Commanded Skylar.

"Yes! Yes, it hurts Skylar. You are my girlfriend and I love you so much! So yes, it hurts and is confusing how you are acting towards me and how you are speaking to me." Answered Kayel, all of us could tell that he was getting agitated.

"Good! Now you have experience just a taste of how much you have hurt Alyssa and how she feels every time you say something horrible to her. This is how she felt when all of you abandoned her after that night without letting her explain. I can't do much about how all of you treat Alyssa but I will be damn if my boyfriend treats her like that. I'll be damn if I date someone that is a freaking bully!" Expressed Skylar while pushing Kayel against the wall and pushing at his chest. The rest of The F's 4 had arrived and are watching the scene with wide eyes. I guess that they have never seen Skylar this angry.

"Skylar you don't have to do this for me. I don't want you to ruin things with Kayel and the rest of his family because of me." I told her but she just shook her head at me.

"No Alyssa I won't stand for this injustice towards you. If they listen to what you have to say then this stupid misunderstanding would clear up. But they don't want to listen and that's fine by me but what isn't fine is the way they are treating you. What's not fine is that my boyfriend is one of the people acting this way towards you. I listened to you and I believe you and not only that but so do the authorities. All of the original of The F's 4 believe you, the only ones that don't are your supposed friends." Said Skylar to me.

"I know Skylar but while you believe me they won't. Especialmente èl, tú sabes que no me importa mucho lo que el resto piense de mi pero lo que èl piensa si me importa. Me duele saber que quizás nunca podré decirle la verdad." I said to Skylar, I knew that she knows Spanish so it was easier to tell her how I felt in Spanish. (Translation: "I know Skylar but while you believe me they won't. Specially him, you know that I really don't care about what everyone else thinks of me but I do care of what he thinks of me. It hurts knowing that I may never be able to tell him the truth.")

"Alyssa yo se que sientes que nunca podrás decir tú verdad pero tienes que mantener la esperanza que un día tú le dirás la verdad y èl te creerá." Said Skylar to me. I just looked away because I didn't want to let The F's 4 know that I was weak. I felt tears rolling down my face and a silent sob escaped me. (Translation: "Alyssa I know that you feel like you will never be able to say the truth but you need to keep hope that one day you will be able to say it and that he will believe you.")

"¿Estás bien Alyssa? Maybe we should all come back later in the afternoon. We should all calm down." Prescott asked me and then said to the others. (Translation: "Are you okay Alyssa? Maybe we should all come back later in the afternoon. We should all calm down.")

"Yes, let's come back later after everyone has calmed down." Agreed Damian and everyone started leaving my office. Just for a second I turned and looked at Ezzequiel, his eyes were already directed at me. We stared at each other for what felt like hours but it was just a few seconds and then he left as well. 

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