004: {Basket Robbins}

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"Don't worry kid" he smiled

"I'm happy to have a fan. I don't have many. And plus my shift is ending soon, so why don't you pick a seat and we can have a chat?" He asked

Now was Peter's turn to be beyond (plus ultra xD) happy and he nodded furiously which would probably at some point give him whiplash.

"So what would you like...?" Scott says not knowing his name.

"Peter... My name's Peter." He said smiling.

'huh Peter...' Scott thinks.

"Well, what would you like Peter?" He asks agian.

"I would like a Vanilla please." He orders as he takes out his money.

"Okay that will be 2.50 please." Scott says smiling as he handed over the pre-made cup of vanilla ice cream.

"Thank you!" He says smiling and walking over to a table in the corner.

He sighed excitedly while he took his laptop out to work on the writing part of his assignment.

About ten minutes later Scott came with a cone filled with mint chocolate chip.

He pulled out the other chair and sat himself down on the seat holding a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey Peter." Scott greeted as he took a lick of his treat.

"Oh my gawd. I thought you were joking!" He says with widened eyes and a goofy smile.

Then Peter started rambling on how he was sitting with one of his idols and he couldn't believe it.

"Why would I lie to a fan that I didn't know I had?" He questioned as he laughed a little at Peter's antics.

"Well... I don't know... Wait! Can you sign this for me? Please, if it's not too much to ask." Peter pleaded taking out his 'Idol autograph book'.

"Sure" he said cooly although he was actually freaking out about how he had a fan.

Peter dug through his bag looking for a pen or pencil with sparkles in his eyes.

When he finished his mission of finding a pen or pencil, in which he found a pen he gave it to Scott.

Scott took the pen and book, looking at the title of the page.

It was named 'Idol Autographs' he chuckled a little.

Then he wrote:

I'm so happy your my fan ( ╹▽╹ ) -Ant-Man AKA SL (Scott Lang ).

He laughed at the little face he drew, then he handed the book back with the pen in the book substituting as a bookmark.

Peter looked at the little note in the top right corner. He chuckled at the little face Scott drew.

"Like the face." He commented as he placed the note book in his backpack securely.

"Thanks." He thanked back as he began to eat his ice cream.

"So, what cha working on?" He asked as he saw Peter typing on the laptop.

"Huh? Oh! I'm just working on my science fair project assignment. I made a robot, but now I just have to write up my report." He explained as he finished typing up the last sentence of the materials he used.

"Oh, so what grade you in?" He asked meanwhile he took a bite of his cone.

"I'm in grade eight." Peter answered

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