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Omg.... it's been forever😩 I finally finished midterms two weeks ago and now I've been studying for my finals that happen in three weeks. College life is stressful and I haven't had the time to properly write something decent. I apologize if they seem out of character I kind of wrote this quickly. Please enjoy this shitty chapter I'm not proud of at all

Enjoy the story!!


I stared at the Magic Emperor; eyes wide as saucers. I reached up and cleaned my ear quickly.

"I-I beg your pardon...Emperor...?"

Before anyone could retaliate anything, the immense thinking of aura was overflowing the study. Look at each of the captain's state, who in which are shaking in what I presume to believe anger. The waves that I could feel was very sickening, if someone doesn't do something soon, possible he'll would be unleashed. I coughed out uncomfortably.

"I would enjoy one of the two to care for young Y/N here. I don't trust anyone more than the two of you."

The sound of a chair scooting back echoed throughout the room. "I apologize Magic Emperor but I will not enjoy being a babysitter for this." Nozel coldly stated, making the tension in the room thicker.

A simple sigh escaped the red head as he stood up as well; in a much more refined manner.

"Usually I would follow your orders Magic Emperor, but I shall need to deny this request. My squad has been focusing and quests and strengthening their magic. I do not think we will have the time to care for Y/N."

I looked up at the red head lost for words. Sure I was disappointed that he denied. But the way he explained himself was...admirable.

A small scoff came from Nozel. "Your squad has your sister, she's as strong as 100 soldiers Fuegoleon. I don't think anyone would be naive enough to attack our kingdom."

The two men kept going back and forth with their bickering, making me lose interest immediately. "A proposition."

The bickering of the two alpha males stopped. Julius raises his brows in amusement at the outcome of my words. I took a deep breath as I stood up, facing the ice blue eyes probably colder than the attic ocean.

"I have A proposition for you." I placed an arm on my waist as I stared back at the male.

"What could I gain from making any deals with the likes of you?"

I smiled slightly at his vocabulary. "Simple, I just want a job at the port. You can follow along with Julius's order. If you are embarrassed on how your crew will think of caring for an outsider then I'll gladly leave at the crack of dawn to work at the port and return late at night."

I turned to face Fueloeon who had a sadistic smile plastered on his face.

'Oh dear god, my heart can't take anymore of his sexiness...'

"This proposition goes for you too Fuegoleon. I wouldn't want to bother either of your crew on my behalf. The least I can do is try to offer an agreement we can both settle in."

Fuegoleon pondered more s moment, letting out a hum. "I would agree to this. Unfortunately we are in shortage of rooms at our station. So by the time we have room would be in three months when we have the Magic Knight Test."

Before Nozel could answer, the door slammed open. Turning around I saw a tall male, who seemed to easily kill anyone in their path. I steadied my breathing as I took the time to read his waves, they seem to be like a violently storm one would face yet somewhere in them they were...calm.

"Julius what is the meaning of this?? Sending mushroom head to call for me after excusing me! Do you think I live down the hall?"

His gruff voice echoed loudly throughout the room, causing me to lose my train of thought.

"Uh, Captain Yami. Did you really have to drag us along with you?"

I craned my neck to look behind the muscular man, to see a younger boy standing behind him like a lost puppy.

"Shut it will ya? Go somewhere and get lost."


'Yami' looked over his shoulder, no words were exchanged. Just the sound of hurried footsteps and the door slamming shut.

"Ah, Yami! Perfect. It would seem that neither of these captains have anymore room available for one more person! Could you please be kind enough for-"

Julius was curtly cut off by Yami, "No, that shrimp isn't worth it. I already have one magicless idiot to care for. Does my squad look like a refugee for those without magic?!"

I covered my ears at the intensity of his booming voice in such a small space. I sighed tiredly as I looked out the window.

"Julius, I don't want to bother no one. " I turned to face the Magic Emperor, who stared at me with a smiled.

"Just allow me to stay by the port. I promise I won't do nothing! I just want to get back to riding the waves of the ocean, feel the breeze on my face...." I slowly drifted off, remembering my brother who is probably frantically asking my personal crew where in the worlds name I am.

'I'll get home somehow Sinbad. Please wait.'

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