Chapter 14

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Elle sat at the bar by the pool watching the few occupants float lazily in the water under the afternoon sun. She tapped her phone and brought it life looking at the time displayed in big white numbers. 2:17. He messaged me over 3 hours ago saying he'd landed and was just grabbing his rental. Pretty safe bet he's about a half hour away providing he hasn't needed to stop along the way.

"Can I get you another?" The bartender asked and she glanced down at her almost empty glass.

"Uh, yah. One more please." She couldn't help but think she should slow down a bit or she'd be more than tipsy by the time Jack arrived. She couldn't help it though, she was so excited but nervous at the same time to see him again. Even though they'd been talking for months and had met already she knew this was going to be different. There was no Atlantic Ocean as a buffer, and no war going on around them to distract her from her feelings. But what feelings? She couldn't help but analyze the situation as she waited. Of course it was only natural that I leaned on him in Afghanistan and I do feel closer to him, but really, it's nothing more than a sincere and genuine friendship. But that kiss! She attempted to minimize what had happened in an effort to keep her emotions in check. The kiss was nothing more than an emotional response to an intense situation; it would not have occurred under different circumstances so it really dosen't matter.

As she tried to reason with herself and clarify what to expect over the next 10 days that would be spent with Jack, the bartender placed another margarita in front of her and she threw back the last of her previous one, handing him her empty glass. "Thanks," she said with a smile and the bartender gave her a wink.


Jack rode along the 2 lane highway that was dotted with funky little businesses and homes, lush foliage and the frequent breaks of marinas and crystal blue water that had him in awe every time the chain of islands revealed the waters that surrounded them.

Elle was right, this is amazing. I can't believe I never bothered to venture to the beaches before now. As he crossed the latest bridge that connected the chain of islands in The Keys, he spotted the sign that told him he had arrived in Key West. His stomach knotted in anticipation of seeing her soon and he wasn't sure if it was fear or excitement that was creeping up in him now. Probably a bit of both. He admitted honestly to himself. The whole flight he had wrestled with the idea of what he thought she was expecting. He knew it was going to be different than when he'd first seen her in Afghanistan; there was no intensity or constant danger here. Then why am I more nervous than when I went on patrol? He shook the feeling off and just reminded himself of what he'd told himself on the plane. Just take a deep breath when you see her, give her a hug and tell her you're glad to see her. It's the truth and will hopefully set a relaxed tone. Then just see what happens. As reasonable as his plan was, his uncertainty kept creeping up. But what do I want to happen? Nothing! You want nothing to happen because this girl is different. She understands you like no one else does, it was obvious in that article that she wrote, she nailed it; and there's no way you want to mess up anything with someone that knows you as well as she does. That kind of friendship is too rare, so don't do anything to fuck it up! Done scolding himself and sure he could behave himself over the next week and a half, he pulled the motorcycle he'd rented into the parking lot of the hotel she had booked for them.


Elle took the shot offered to her by the man across the bar and raised it in thanks before slamming it back. The bartender had stayed in front of her as she did the shot and was eyeing her carefully. "You alright there?" He slid a glass of water across the bar towards her. "You might want to drink that, the heat and alcohol can make you dehydrated pretty quick." 

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