Chapter 9

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Elle sat at the table under the iron chandelier that was the centerpiece of the popular restaurant. She had to admit that Eric had outdone himself tonight. In the week since they'd first met, he had taken her on a day trip to Niagra Falls, and on their last date they had gone horseback riding, but this evening was quiet and more relaxed. It had been a bit of a whirlwind, but she did enjoy his company and he wasn't an obnoxious creep like the others had been so far.

As she sat back sipping her wine after their main course, he caught her eye and there was something in the way he looked at her that seemed different. He seemed on the verge of wanting to say something but was unsure of how to start, and then it hit her.

  OMG! Sex! This is the sex date! Elle took a big sip of wine as her mind raced and Eric smiled subtly at her as he reached across the table for her hand.

"I really enjoy spending time with you, Elle." All she could manage was a smile as he went on, " I was thinking, maybe we could go up to my cottage next weekend. I've got a boat and we could go fishing or over to the island for a picnic..."

Her thoughts fought one another as he described the weekend he was obviously hoping she'd say yes to. What the hell am I going to do?...Well, he is actually a nice guy. ... But this is an assignment, not a relationship! ....But what if it became a relationship? Didn't someone say that they usually happened when you weren't looking?... Yes, Jack said that. .... Jack. She got a knot in her stomach as she thought of him, and Eric went on, trying to convince her to say yes to his invitation. The more she looked at Eric and watched him argue his case politely, the more she thought of Jack. And then she realized why she was hesitating at pursuing something more with this sweet and kind man that sat across from her. Out of no where, a lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry Eric," she interrupted him, "you really are a a wonderful man, but I'm not ready for this." He looked confused and disappointed at the same time and she felt compelled to say more.  "I thought I could do this, but now, with it being so real, I just can't, and I know that it's incredibly unfair to you. I'm sorry." She reached over and squeezed his hand before she got up leaving him confused and disappointed.


Even though their last conversation had caused him to feel vulnerable again and a little edgy, Jack was disappointed to see that he'd not received any new messages from Elle.  It's been over a week, she must have met someone. The idea made him feel pangs of jealousy and he quickly tried to reason them away.

And if she has, so what? I don't want anything more than friendship from her anyway. And it was me who backed off anyway after our last little revealing chat. Why should I be surprised if she's spending time with a guy who actually doesn't fear emotion? Besides, she deserves to find someone who will treat her well and that she can share her life with.

Still, Jack couldn't shake the urge to talk to her, whether she might have met someone or not.

I could always send her a message too. There's no reason that she has to be the next to reach out and it might be a good chance to let her know that if she has met someone, that I'm pleased for her and that our friendship doesn't have to end because of it...if she still wants it.

Jack didn't trust himself to reveal his thoughts for fear they'd come across wrong so he decided to go with simplicity instead.

"Hey you, was thinking about you today. It's been ages. What have you been up to?

Jack xxx"


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