She Was A Skater Gorl

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Part 2 of @Latte_Hottay 's birthday oneshottttsss!!


The wind rustled Emma's curls as the concrete path rushed below her, the rumbling of wheels against the rough ground making her body hum with joy. It was a clear early fall day, and she was out enjoying a ride before her classes started up again and the campus flooded with hundreds of students, encroaching on her little slice of heaven that was Greenaway Park.

The leaves were green with hints of sunset palettes at the edges as autumn began to take hold, tall trees swaying in the ambling breeze, sunshine blocked by the thick canopy. Life was good, nice and silent in the face of such noise.

"Paige! Here girl!" a voice called as Emma rushed past. "Paige, no!"

Emma glanced back to see a gorgeous golden retriever chasing after her, coat shimmering in the morning heat, tongue lolling adorably. Her heart burst at the sight of the beautiful sweetheart, so happy to see her. How lucky was she that this majestic creature should choose her to chase?

Suddenly, Emma's earth wobbled, her balance wavering in her admiration of the large dog. While her eyes had strayed behind her, she'd neglected to look where she was going at such high speeds. She tumbled to the concrete with a jolt, scraping her knee and her elbow in the process.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!"

Emma winced as she propped herself up on her elbows to see who'd yelled. Her eyes searched the surrounding area, but instead of a source, her eyes locked on the golden retriever still barreling straight at her, a great big smile on her face.

"Hi sweetie, how are y-" Emma could hardly get the words out before the dog jumped on her, tongue lapping at her face, paws resting on her shoulders. The kisses were well received. Emma wrapped her arms around the dog laughing under the mass of fur and love.

"Oh my g-Paige!"

A man, presumably Paige's owner, came up behind them, huffing and puffing with the effort of the chase. He grabbed her collar, tugging her off of the small woman. It took all his strength, but Emma could finally see the light of day again.

"I am so sorry! She's usually so well behaved, I promise!"

Emma could hardly stop smiling as she squinted up at the man. "It's so completely fine. It's not every day that you get blessed by such magnificence." She reached to the dog, who she could now see was still just a puppy, and scratched her sweetly behind the ears. "She's so pretty! Hi, Sweetie!" The dog's tail thumped hard against the concrete.

"I'm Paul." The man, Paul, waved awkwardly, but somehow endearingly.

"Emma. It's nice to meet you, and this sweet, sweet girl! Aren't you sweet?"

Paige let out a snort, going to lick her face again, which set Emma off laughing once more. She sat there, petting the dog for a while, cooing affectionately at her, peppering kisses all over her face.

"Paige usually isn't like this, I swear. She's training to be a service dog, and she's usually so good. I've never seen her like this." Paul stopped, having realized he'd been rambling to no one, as Emma was too preoccupied with his dog to pay his words any mind. She shifted so she sat on her knees, and that was when he noticed the small smear of blood across the concrete where she'd been sitting.

"Oh-You're bleeding!" Paul exclaimed, gently nudging Paige away from Emma so he could kneel next to her. She rubbed her hand lightly across her elbow, fingers coming away maroon with sticky blood.

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