Ch3 Trouble in Planeptune

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I slowly wake up in mommy's arms which I start to stir which wakes up mommy

Nepgear:Good morning sweetie are you hungry?

I nod at which she picks me up and takes me to the kitchen which I am then held as she cooks me something to eat

I am then sat at a little table where mommy then puts down a plate of food for me where mommy then heads back into the kitchen to cook for Aunt Neptune,Historie,IF,And Compa

I happily eat my breakfast as everyone else slowly comes to the kitchen to eat

Aunt Neptune picks me up when we are done eating

Neptune:Hey little buddy you wanna head to the park to play?

I nod

Nepgear:Please Becareful you two

We both nod and Aunt Neptune takes me to the park

A few minutes later we arrive and Aunt Neptune let's me down

Neptune:Alright Y/N I'm going to go sit over at that bench over there *points to bench* so you go play in okay.

I nod and walk over to the sandbox where I began to play

During the time I am playing in the sandbox a mysterious person runs over to me and knocks me out and Carrys me away

Y/N:Aunt Neptune!!

Neptune's POV

I am sitting on a bench as Y/N is playing in the sandbox

Suddenly citizens start approaching me and began talking with me which I smile

In the middle of talking with the citizens I suddenly hear a cry

Voice:Aunt Neptune!!


I quickly get up and look over towards the sandbox and see that Y/N is gone I then notice a shadowy person carrying him away

I transform into my CPU form and gave chase

Purple Heart:Stop!

I say from above


The mysterious person then gets into a car with Y/N who I see crying and banging on the window

Y/N:Aunt Neptune!!!!

I hear y/n cry out as the car drives off

I quickly return to the basilicom to prepare for the worse from nepgear

Upon returning I quickly went to find nepgear


Nepgear:What is it Neptune?

Neptune:Y/N he's been kidnapped!


Nepgear:Who took him!

Neptune:I don't know the person had black clothing on I couldn't even see their faces

Nepgear:Well we can't just sit here we need to find him I'll go call the others

Neptune:I'll go out and fly around again to see if I can find him

We both leave to do our tasks

In the middle of flying around the city I see a group of girls flying towards me

Noire:Neptune! We came as quick as we could!

Uni:Do you have any idea where the kidnapper is?!

Neptune:No all I remember is that he was put into a black car with tinted windows

Blanc:Well let's search for the car then!

We then split off and search around the city

During my search of the city I heard Vert shouting

Vert:I found the car!


We then follow vert to where the car is parked at

I then walk up to the door and knock on the door


Nepgear:Hi we are looking for a child that was kidnapped at the park he was with my sister here

Citizen:well we haven't seen any kids around these parts

All of a sudden we hear a cry


Nepgear:That's Y/N!

Citizen:Damn it shut the kid up will ya!

We all then glare at the kidnappers but is interrupted when we hit a loud smack

Kidnapper:Shut it you little brat!

The sound of a slap is heard from outside

Y/N:Ow Mommy Help!!!

We all have a pissed look on our faces

Neptune:Nepgear you and the other candidates go get Y/N we will teach this one a brutal lesson on kidnapping someone precious to us

The candidates nod and rush inside to get Y/N

Me and the other CPUs look at the first kidnapper with pissed looks

Blanc:So how many times you think we'll hear his bones break?

Blanc says as she cracks her knuckles

Vert:Oh I'd say about 50 times at best

Vert says as she is holding her spear in a brutal fashion

Noire:well shall we get started ladies?

We all grin evilly before grabbing the kidnapper and taken him to a dark alley

A little while later we exit the alley with a satisfied look on our faces

Returning to the house we see nepgear and the others standing outside with Y/N in Nepgears arms

Neptune:You got him!

Nepgear:Yep now let's return home

We all nod and head over to the basilicom to celebrate

After the celebration is over we all head to sleep which the others head back to their nation's


Overprotective Goddesses x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now