Sleepover Bash 2.0

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" She snapped. "I'm still a virgin!"

"No way!" Jinx sucked in a breath. "I thought you and Hot Spot-!"

"No!" She pouted. "I'm saving myself for him but he isn't biting."

"You can bet he's not saving himself for you." Cheshire rolled her eyes.

Kole hit her. "But you go on all those dates? I thought you were having fun?"

"You can have fun without having sex!" Argent blushed.

"I can't." Jinx admitted.

"Me either." Bumble Bee and Cheshire said in unison.

"But sex is so fun!" Kole yelped.

Starfire blushed. "I enjoy it myself. Abstaining would be incredibly difficult."

Raven shrugged. "I must like it. I don't turn him down."

"So you and the green man are going at it again? Even though you just got caught?" Argent was surprised.

"Not yet. I was just cleared last month and we're so tired from the kids and he's been sick. We don't really have the time."

"So you're going to do it again? When you have time and everything is right?" She pressed.

"Of course. I enjoy intercourse and I love him."

Argent blinked. "Wow. Maybe I need to step it up? Like I said, I'm really just saying myself for Hot Spot. I really wanna do it."

"Then we need to get his attention the old fashioned way." Bumble Bee grinned evilly.


"So what's up with you guys?" ‪Changeling‬ asked.

The guys were playing video games as they were wrought to do.

"Nothing much. Just hanging out, training, fighting bad guys." Hot Spot shrugged as he gunned down a rival.

"That's cool." Nightwing said. "We don't do anything different here."

"It's a lot of sameness." Cyborg agreed.

"Yeah but you're homeschooling the kids. That's got to be fun, playing teacher." Aqualad thought it'd be cool to be someone as respected as a teacher.

"It's a lot harder than I thought. I feel bad for my teachers."

"You didn't make it easy on them?"

Cyborg grinned. "Nope!"

"I was teacher's pet." Changeling destroyed a building.

"You?!" They all looked at him in shock.

"Yeah. I was teacher's pet. I brought food I'd help my mom make from home, I sat in the front of the class, I always raised my hand. I was teacher's pet."

"You learn something new..." Jericho signed.

"I saw that, Joe!" He didn't take his eyes off the screen.

Nightwing smirked. "I was a terrible student."

"No way!" Speedy denied. "Not Mr. Perfect!"

Nightwing grinned. "I didn't want to sit in school. I just wanted to perform with my parents."

"What do you know? C is the school junkie and 'Wing is the delinquent." Cyborg shook his head with a laugh.

"I think that explains why Charlie does everything you ask of her but Chris just wants to play." Kid Flash smiled.

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