Chapter 2

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Tracy sighed heavily when she got into her car and pulled away. She had wanted to get that off her chest for a long time, and she had finally done it. She had stood up to her boss, the whining sniveling coward, and let him have it. If she didn't have a job after today, she really didn't care. She knew others that would gladly hire her, at least she hoped they would. Especially after her little tantrum. Oh well, it was over now, what was done, was done, and she actually felt better for it. She didn't even feel guilty for yelling at her boss. He had deserved it. Every word she had yelled was true. She had worked her butt off for two years, with no thanks from her Chief. She wondered why she had even worked there, but then she remembered. That was where her father had started as an officer, so she figured that she would too. She was fine there until the Chief before Chief Brown died of a heart attack, and Brown stepped in. He had been the Lieutenant under the Chief. She wondered how he had even gotten his job, whose butt had he kissed because he was totally worthless. Like her mom used to say, he was as useless as nipples on a bull. She always grinned at that, because there were so many truths to it.

As she drove, she took in deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She was really angry. A vacation would be very good at the moment, but she would wait to call her uncle after she had calmed down. By the time she had reached her apartment, she had calmed down a lot. The twenty-minute drive had done her some good. She parked her car under the covered parking in front of her condo, and getting out, she headed to her apartment. Her neighbor waved at her. "Hey Tracy, have a day off?" she asked.

"Hi Allison, actually I am taking a much-needed vacation, starting right now."

"Really?" the older woman grinned at Tracy. "It's about time. I see you every day come home bone-weary, and tell myself that you need a break. How did your Chief react?"

"He was pretty upset, but I didn't give him the option," Tracy admitted.

"Good, I am glad you stood up for yourself, those men there are such chauvinists," she harrumphed.

"You have no idea. They think they do all the work and I am the one saving their butts all the time."

"I know my dear, how will they handle you being gone and not solving everything for them?" she grinned.

"I have no idea, and I really don't care."

"I am glad," Allison smiled and hugged Tracy to her ample body. "So, do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

"I would like too, but I need to pack, thanks though."

"You need something to relax that tension. You look too stressed."

"I know, that's my work though."

"Well, not for a while," the woman smiled at her.

"Yes, not for a while, and thanks again for the offer."

"So you are actually leaving town then?"

"Yes, my uncle has been begging me to visit."

"Tell him no working. You are there for a vacation only."

"I wish I could convince him," Tracy grinned, "But anything is a vacation from that stupid precinct."

"I am sure it is. Well, have fun on your trip. How long will you be gone?"

"As long as I want to be," Tracy grinned.

"Good girl," Allison smiled and then walked next door to her condo.

Tracy grinned as she headed to her own front door. That woman was a balm to her soul. She felt better just having talked to her, and she knew that she would be okay.

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