Adrien chuckled.

"No, I'm being serious," Marinette folded her arms, not looking at him.

"Alright," Adrien raised a hand, "I promise."

Marinette looked back at him, not sure how she felt now that she was about to tell someone one of her secrets, about her past, about her and Chloe. And then in the end, he would know that everything he did, how hard he had tried, had all been a mistake, and he would regret it, and wish he could take everything back.

Just 11 more days.


"Marinette! Marinette, we have a new visitor." Marinette awoke at the call of her name. Quickly she removed the cover off of her and got out of her bed. "Marinette!" Her mother yelled out again, and Marinette dashed towards the door.

"I'm coming!" She yelled back. She opened her trapdoor and climbed down the ladder in her pj's. Soon enough she was standing right beside her mother, and in front of her were the new visitors her mother had called her down for.

"Marinette, this is Mr. Bourgeois, the Mayor of Paris," Sabine introduced, "and beside him, is his daughter, Chloe Bourgeois."

"Hi," Marinette lifted her hand up and waved, yet Chloe looked the other way with a huff and folded her arms, busily chewing on her gum with a bored face.

"Now, now, Chloe, that's no way to treat your new friend!" Mr. Bourgeois raised a finger, and Chloe snapped her head towards him.

"Do I really have to do this? I mean, I get that I'm popular and all, but I don't need to befriend everyone," She looked over at Marinette and Marinette could notice the disgust in her eyes, "especially the lousy ones," She muttered.

Marinette looked over at her mother with a confused look. "What's going on?" Yeah, what was going on? Why was this annoying girl talking rudely back to her without even getting to know her even for a minute?

"Marinette, since we're new to Paris, I figured we could use a little help. Luckily Mr. Bourgeois agreed to help show us around," Sabine replied with a wide smile. "You're going to be going to the same school as Chloe, and you two can hopefully. . ." Sabine turned around to face Chloe, her smile slowly fading, ". . .be friends."

"Chloe doesn't have any real friends, and you seem pretty nice, Marinette," Mr. Bourgeois immediately spoke up after Sabine, earning a glare from Chloe. "All the girls that hang around her just want her for money, and that's not a good thing. You won't use her for money, will you, Marinette?"

"No, of course not," Marinette shook her head. She turned her head towards Chloe, but Chloe only growled back at her. Hopefully Chloe was just pretending to be all rude. Maybe it was because she didn't know how to treat new people well, or it could be that she didn't trust people that fast and needed time to get to know her. After getting a few ideas, Marinette cleared her thoughts and only smiled back at Chloe.

"Chloe will show you around Paris, won't you, Chloe?"

Chloe balled her hands into fists, though it didn't really look like she could say no to her father, so she just nodded and looked away again. "Fine, I will, but Marinette better be on her best behavior. I don't tolerate non-behaved people."

Yeah, I'll try my best! "Sure," Marinette shrugged. "I'll just head back to my room now." She turned around and started walking away, climbing up her ladder again and reaching her room. When she got up there, she left her door opened and listened in to the conversation they were now having without her.

"Daddy, I really don't want to do this. I have a friend who's just good enough," Chloe was saying again. "I'm sorry, but Marinette just seems too. . .nice."

"So you'd rather prefer mean girls?" Came her father's voice. "What about Sabrina? She's insanely nice, helps you do everything, doesn't complain at all. . . Is she too nice? Yet you're still friends with her."

The front door opened and Marinette could hear them walking out. Then she closed her door and started heading to her bed. She had always been looking forward to school, but having Chloe there seemed to have just ruined her mood. She jumped on her bed and landed on her back, then she pressed her pillow against her face.

Why did she have a feeling this was going to be the worst mistake of her life?

Because He Loved Me FirstWhere stories live. Discover now