Issue #6 Facing The Music

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"Yeah, Man, it's her. I recognized her from the video, then I tried calling the office, they said she never came back from her coffee run."

"Oh no. What are we going to do?"

"Hey, one of the Supers will come in and help, right? I mean, this is someone's life...they wouldn't be that vindictive, right?"

As if in answer to Miguel's question, the reporter comes back on the screen with the Chief of Police. I hear the same broadcast coming through the line as Miguel watches too.

"...has attempted to commission special help from one of the Princeboro Supers, but he has met with resistance. We don't have any details at this time, but it seems that the Supers are blackballing Inglehaven..."

I let out a groan and run my hand down my face. There's no doubt in my mind that the Supers' refusal to help is a direct result of my strike. This is the nastiest form of payback. Miguel is silent for a moment, the says,

"I got a customer up front, I gotta go."


I pace for the next forty minutes, looking at this from every angle, going over it again and again. Then I start to look at the news footage of the office building where they are, maps of the area and whatever info I can find about the building's construction. There's more details than I would have expected, even a computer rendering of what it will look like when it's finished. I try to memorize how the hallways run on each floor and where the rooms will be located. A reckless, desperate idea has taken root in my mind, and I can't seem to get it out. Before noon I'm out the door and on my way to the Spic 'N Span.

Fridays are always busy, so I'm able to sneak in the back while Miguel is talking to customers. With any luck, I'll be able to get what I need and get out without him knowing I've been here. Of course, that luck is not with me. Miguel sticks his head through the door of my office as soon as he's finished at the counter; not looking the least bit surprised to see me.

"I knew you'd come, Bro."

"This is my fault, Miguel. No matter how I look at this, there's no denying that it was my choices that left us helpless, and I've got to do something about it."

He looks briefly at the garment in my hand, then steps inside and closes the door.

"What's the plan?"

I shake my head and look back down at my task.

"I don't think you should get involved in this. It's probably going to be a disaster and none of this was your fault."

"Of course it will be a disaster if you try to do it by yourself! You need help, and I'm your only choice. So what's the plan?"

"Um, well, I plan to show up dressed like a Super, challenge Vectress, throw a few cheesy tricks at her and hope that it's enough of a distraction for the police to get in and rescue Brenda."

"Okay, okay, that's not bad. Then how do you get out without Vectress stringing you up like a pinata?"

"Maybe once her hostage has been recovered she will just take off to avoid getting caught?"

Miguel gives me a doubtful look.

"The plan is still under construction, ok?"

"Alright." Miguel says, rubbing his hands together. "You work on the plan, I'll work on the accessories."

We spend the rest of the day outfitting me for this insane venture. At first, I had planned on impersonating some intimidating Super, like Uproar or The Aborigine. But Miguel shot down that idea.

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