Issue# 4 Burning Bridges

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I sigh and slump in my chair.

"I really wish you had said that differently."

It's late Friday afternoon and I'm in Brenda's office having my briefly optimistic view of the world crushed.

"Sorry, you hinted that it was bad, but I didn't expect this!" She gestures helplessly at my file. "I had a plan to invest your savings, give you a cushion to live off while your clientele got used to the increased prices, then when your business was solvent, we could set some real goals, give you a future!"

Brenda flings her hands up dramatically.

"But you have nothing! No assets, no CD's and that six dollars and seventy two cents in your savings account is not going to cut it."

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to need that for bus fare."

Brenda shakes her head, looking a little sad. "The best I can do for you is write up a formal letter explaining the pay rate increase and you can give it to your clients."

"Oh. Ok, but uh...What...what if it doesn't work?" I ask with a sinking feeling.

Brenda shrugs. "Then maybe you should go on strike."

"Strike?" I laugh. "I'm self-employed! Can't really stick it to the man when he's me!"

Brenda looks at me seriously. "I'm talking about a strategic shut down. Once you present your clients with this letter, they know what's expected of them. If they try to refuse, you close up shop and let them experience what it would be like if you had to go out of business. You wouldn't have any provision for keeping the lights on, but it might spook your customers into accepting your terms."


Half an hour later, I trudge into the back of the Spic 'N Span with a bundle of papers in my arms. Brenda generously printed enough copies of the letter for all my clients and said that I didn't owe her anything for the work. As soon as I get in, Miguel calls out to me.

"Hey! You just missed your fine Latino Lady!"

I stare at him, uncomprehending.


"Jasmine! She was here looking for you."

"Dude. Jasmine's not Latino, she's Mediterranean."

Miguel seems thoughtful. "Oh! Maybe that's why she looked at me funny when I called her a Puerto Rican Princess. Anyway, I told her you were with Brenda and she took off."

I grunt an acknowledgement, my mind still on the task ahead.

"Listen, we need to start getting copies of these letters out to all our clients. We will finish any work we've already accepted at our normal rates, but after that, everyone has to pay according to the new scale."

Miguel stops sorting pants and comes over to look at the official document Brenda has produced. His eyes widen as he takes in the information.

"Wow, This is great! An increase like this will really boost our income; and this letter makes it sound like it's the best thing for everyone. She's really good!"

"So, you think it'll work?"

Miguel grins, then shrugs.

"Yeah, maybe. I mean it's never worked in the past, and we've never asked for so much at once, but this time it will definitely probably happen!"

I bury my face in my hands at Miguel's less than confident exclamation, then bury myself in my work.

Near the end of the day, when things have wound down, Miguel quietly asks,

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