"Oh, you know I think Luke might be a little tired."

     "Yeah, right," Dylan laughed, rolling his eyes.

      "Well, now that we know that Luke isn't tired, let's go," Crispin took the leash out of my hands and gave a little tug. Luke got up from his sitting position and trotted next to Chewbacca calmly as we walked.

     "So did the coffee come out?" Crispin asked, looking up at the fluffy white clouds in the sky.

     "Yep, thanks."

     "That's good. What are you plans for the day?" he looked down at me. He was taller than I remembered. Not many guys were actually able to look down at me, since I was about 5'7 and that was pretty tall for a girl, in my opinion.

     "Probably just sit at home and watch TV, you?"

     "Going on an adventure with Dylan," he grinned, "want to join us?"

      "Where is your adventure going to be?"

      "We haven't decided yet. We're thinking about checking out the town library."

      "The library? What's there that could possibly be an adventure?"

      "Everywhere there's an adventure, Aislinn," Dylan pitched in.

      "You just have to keep an open mind for it," Crispin finished.

      "I guess, since I have time to..."

      "Yeah!" Crispin and Dylan high-fived.

      I was really starting to question their sanity. Why were they so... comfortable when they obviously weren't normal? Didn't they feel insecure about not being like everyone else? Normal people wouldn't find an adventure at the library. They wouldn't even think the library held any type of fun.


     After we had dropped Luke off at home and Chewbacca back at Dylan's. We headed to the library. To my surprise Dylan only lived two streets over from me. I wondered why I had never seen him before, but then again, he wasn't that attractive, so I probably wouldn't notice him. 

     "So what are we going to be doing at the library?" I asked for the fifth time.

     "Just keeping an open mind for an adventure," Crispin and Dylan said at the same time, for the fifth time.

     "That's not an answer," I gritted my teeth.

     "No, that's not the answer you're looking for," Crispin replied, "it is an acceptable answer though."

     "Just don't over think things, just go with the flow," Dylan did a weird swaying thing with his arms, that was supposed to represent the "flow".

     I just sighed in response, and looked around town. I hadn't been to this part of town in a long time. Probably not since I was a freshman. There was really no need to come here. All there was were old Mom and Pop stores that had been passed down from generation to generation. Why go to those when there was a shopping mall ten miles out of town?  

     A lot of the stores had changed, some had a new paint job, others were sporting a newer looking sign instead of the wooden ones with painted on titles of their stores. My favorite store from when I was little, Pete's Candy, was now completely modernized. It had speakers on the outside playing music, blinking lighted signs, and metal siding. Nothing how I remembered it.

     When we arrived at the library, Dylan waved to the librarians at the front desk, the continued his way farther into the library. Crispin followed his hands in his pockets and looking around with a curious expression on his face. I brought up the tail end of our little gang, and I was not very happy to be here. I was afraid I'd see someone from school here, and that's all I needed. Being caught at the library would be bad, but being caught at the library with Dylan and Crispin would just be death.

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