'Canadian Forces C-130, you are clear for takeoff to altitude 17,500' then check in.
Fly safe & please come back soon'.

Roger Tower, thanks and good day.

Ty heard all the overhead announcements & tower chatter, he asked Amy where she was & what she was doing. Amy, it sounds like you're on an airplane???

Amy knew if she told Ty she was coming to him by parachute, he would go absolutely nuts; ......... there would be another fight!!!

Amy, .....Lyndy said she missed you; where are you??  Amy!!??

Ty, Honey,  I have to go, um, something, um, I have to go Ty.  Ty......I love you .......Ty.  Please be strong for us

Amy I miss you so much!! I wish you were here........

Amy hit the end button, and whispered; I'm coming Ty......   She sat down, fastened her seat belt & tried to hide her tears. Her emotions were all over the place. She missed Ty, she missed Lyndy, she was stepping up to help her marriage. She was doing the best she could, the very best she could. Amy wiped away several tears, she felt awful for hanging up on her husband. Amy looked at his promise ring on her finger. She would be strong for him and for their little girl. She needed him so bad. Amy needed Ty's strength; he was brave and courageous when things were scary. If he were here, everything would instantly be better. She loved Ty so much. She wanted her tears to come, but she was on an Air Force Plane. So far, she had not seen anyone crying at the Air Force.  She forced herself to be tough and resilient.

The Pilot shoved all 4 throttles forward & the big cargo plane roared down the runway......
19,000 Rolls Royce horsepower and large wing flaps enabled this workhorse aircraft to take off and land on short runways.  It can be off the ground at the same time as a fighter jet.

Amy looked out the window at the trees flashing by, just before the pilot rotated the nose up & off the ground. She stared & couldn't believe her eyes; 1 horse was racing 19,000 horses. Ghost was galloping so fast right next to them, his legs were a blur. Amy had no idea what or who Ghost was. Several hours ago she saw him standing on a small island in Lake Michigan. Now he was racing a cargo plane. Why?? Why did Ghost follow her and seemingly watch out for her. She thought for a moment & the answer became obvious. He was Ty's friend, & she was Ty's wife. Ghost was protecting her because she was important to Ty........

In a way then, Ty was right there with her......

Amy stared at the white horse as it galloped over 100 mph. Just as the plane jumped into the air, Ghost disappeared.


Jim watched Amy from the rear cockpit window. He saw her talking to someone on the phone & saw her tears. Jim heard Millie's voice in his mind from a few nights ago.......
......Jim, I'm full filling a promise to my best friend to be a grandma to Amy, in a way that makes you her Grandpa. You were Lyndy's friend too. Please step up and help Amy and Ty in any way you can!!  Jim hugged his wife, he knew she was worried about Amy.
Millie had lost her best friend years ago, & Jim knew she was terrified of losing Amy.
He looked her in the eye & promised to take care of both Amy & Ty.


Roger Tower, climbing to 37,000 ft. & will contact Minot in 1 hour. Thanks for your hospitality.

Jim asked if he could go downstairs, the pilot said looks all clear to Minot, ND, should be fine to stretch your legs.

Jim climbed down the cockpit stairs and walked toward Amy. She was sitting in her seat, arms crossed,  staring at nothing. She looked drained, like she had just been through something difficult.

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