Xiaojun as your brother

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~hugs you to sleep

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~hugs you to sleep

~wakes up like two hours before you so he makes your breakfast
-then wakes you up by gently shaking you

~always plays the guitar

~you have riff offs all the time
-Pitch perfect marathons every month

~your personal radio

~the best advice giver
-sings softly to you while he cuddles you

~buys you the funniest things ever
-but they're still cute

~surprisingly strong
-lifts you up all the time

~can be a bit rude when he's mad

~daily reminders of how much he loves you

~let's you know how you look 100% truthfully

~doesn't let you breathe when you embarrass yourself
-films everything
-brings it up 24/7

~buys your forgiveness

~drives you anywhere you want,anytime you want

~you have to plan his parties
-and do his chores

~just a singing cutie who makes fun of you all the time

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