Doyoung as your brother

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~everyone knows he's strict and no one dares to object

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~everyone knows he's strict and no one dares to object

~yells at you when you skip classes

~the most overprotective brother ever

~gives you advice all the time

~actually super sweet and caring

~buys you meals at fancy restaurants when he can't cook your food

~makes sure you clean your room

~doesn't let anyone talk bad about you

~his friends meeting you?Nope.

~did I mention no meeting his friends
-doesn't let you be home when they visit

~the type of brother who will always scold you just bcs he loves you so much

~every Sunday is cleaning day

~shops for furniture every second Monday of the month

~when you're sick,that's when mother mode comes on
-makes and feeds you soup,sits by your side all the time to make sure you're really doing well

~did I mention you can never yell at him? can't

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