July 4th

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'Another day of this worthless life. Why can't I just fade away normally?' Alfred mused to himself as he walked, smiling at his neighbors and some schoolmates who were also walking on the side of the streets. They only gave him a snarl or a blank look that clearly says, 'F*ck off.' He just ignored their unfriendly exchange as he continued to smile at different people as he went to the Hetalia Academy.

Once he went inside the school, he walked along the corridor with blue blank eyes.

Alfred was the star of the school during his time here... Well, he used to be the star of this school. But now was just... different.

He didn't know exactly how it happened but after three years in this school, they began to bully and call him names. Alfred never let it show outside but he is very depressed. And because of them, he gained this 'smiling depression' and whatnot. Alfred laughed all of their insults off of his shoulder even when it hurts so much. Matthew was the only one who never bullied him....

That is true until he called Alfred names for three hours straight the night before. After the fight, he hastily cut himself a lot more than usual, making him bleed furiously in the bathroom. That's why his whole body is burning and stinging him right now. Luckily, no one opened the door that night. No one bothered to say goodnight to him.

His parents used to be so kind and happy to see him but now they act like he doesn't even matter anymore. They kept on giving him glares and shakes of their heads as if they regret raising him. The only one they really care in the house is Matthew. He was always cared for and loved no matter what. They even forgot about his birthdays for three years straight even though July 4th is very famous in America. Well they might have pretended to forget about it.

His friends don't even acknowledge him anymore- except when they call him names or for projects and benefits.

Alfred thinks he's worthless and nothing to all of them. There was no one there for him. No friends, no family and not even his best friend, Kiku or his so called half-rival half-secret friend, Ivan.


What did he do to make them hate him so much?

Did he even do anything for that matter? Or is it because of his very own existence?

Arthur was right. He is a mistake. A mistake that should have never existed in the first place. Alfred began to walk faster, resisting the urge to let his tears run down his face.

And at last, Alfred managed to enter the cafeteria without bawling his eyes out. He smiled 'brightly' once he found his 'friends' on a table.

He decided not to give the letter to them just yet, so he walked towards them, stuffing the letter he wrote from the night before. Only to be insulted yet again.

"Hamburger bastard! You kept on running late, is it because of your stupid fatass?" They all laughed.

"Nice one. Nice one."

"Ve~ you should just eat pasta instead, Alfred. After all, burgers will only keep you from reaching the proper diet ve!"

'I wish I could, Feli. But I can't... I've tried to stop eating but you'll keep on judging me anyway.'

"Nah, I'll stick with burgers dude! It's the best for me!" Alfred 'laughed' loudly making Arthur cringe.

"Shut it, twat! I'm trying to read here!"

"Obnoxious idiot." Yao mumbled under his breath, eating the snacks he brought from his home.

"Yeah..." Alfred muttered as he took a seat beside his brother, Matthew, who only threw him an irritated look.

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