"I never took it off. I've been wearing it this whole time."

I was just reaching for my card when I heard that. I stopped my movements, processing that idea, and felt a warm feeling spread through my chest. I mean, he was my brother, so what did I expect, but it still meant a lot to me that he hadn't cast it aside or, I don't know, traded it at some point in the forty-five years he lived in the future.

"I see you're still wearing that necklace."

We both flipped our cards over. I won, causing me to smirk as I reached for both of them.

"My instructors got mad when I tried to wear it on stage for the first time, but then I explained that it was for my brother, and, you know, what happened... and after that, nobody bothered me about it again."

I'd been so engrossed in enjoying my time with my brother, I hadn't noticed that I'd eaten the entire sandwich in between hands. To anyone else, that would have been completely normal, nothing to scoff at or cause for staring, but for me... it was a much bigger deal.

"Mina?" I snapped my gaze back to him. "You need to draw in order for us to keep playing."

"Right, right." I shook my head, bringing me back to reality. "So, tell me about Delores."

We slammed our cards down. My victory again.

"What do you want to know?"

"Whatever you're willing to tell me." A genuine smile made its way onto his face

"We met the same day I got stuck there. She came with me everywhere I traveled, made the vastness a little less lonely. Sometimes she supported me, sometimes she'd try and talk me down from decisions..." I watched his expression sour a little. "She was always there for me."

"That's really sweet, Five." We picked up our cards. "I'm glad you found someone. When you told me you were the only person alive... I got worried." He waited for a moment, not putting his cards down.

"I, uh... I was going to see her tonight, actually. That's why I wanted you to come with me. I figured it would be good for her to meet my sister."

"Five..." I kept smiling like crazy. "I really do feel like a big sister."

We both put the cards down. This time, he got to take the victory.

"Wait, but how will she even know it's you? Aren't you not supposed to meet for another week?"

"She'll know it's me."

"Oh... kay. Is it gonna be weird for you to just show up?" He shook his head.

"Like I said, she'll know."

"Okay, okay." I looked out the window, spotting heavy sheets of rain bearing down on the earth, as lightning flashed. "I've gotta be careful tonight. Storm's out there." Five looked back, staring out the window. "Wouldn't want to shock Delores."

"We can head out now." I raised an eyebrow. This was a strange time to want to go.

"All right. Let's clean up here first." Five dealt with dishes while I cleaned up the deck of cards, throwing them back into the trunk. We both headed out the door downstairs, climbing into my car and starting toward the address Five had given me. I looked at him, slightly confused, as we arrived, but parked the car in the lot and headed toward the building.

"I'm gonna need you to use your powers, if I'm gonna get you through there." I stared up at the neon red sign again, still confused.

"Five, why exactly are we at Gimbel Brothers?"

You Better Bring an Umbrella, Vol. 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя