Part 7: Grow From The Pain

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Katniss's P.O.V.

Things have been strained on me for the past few days. I received a letter from my mother on Sunday. It is now Tuesday. The interview is tomorrow. And she has yet to come to 12. I have all but pushed away Peeta. It's because of my anxiety. The world will change so much in only a matter of time. I want my real family to know first. Not millions of strangers. I pace around my room all day. And around the house. Peeta is working. He knows I need time and space. But I am hurting him by doing so. I make myself some tea. It calms me down a little. Effie and her team will arrive soon. Then Peeta. We will get ready and then the cameras will arrive. Which I can't help but dread. I start to feel my heart is about to give out from nerves, when there is a knock on the door. I stop pacing and rush down the stairs. I open the door. I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Mom." I say.

"Hello Katniss." She says and smiles softly at me.

I go into her arms. I hold her tight. "I've missed you, Mom." I say.

"I have too." She says.

I let her go. "Come in. I have to talk to you." I say.

I pick up one of her bags. And she takes the rest. We go inside.

"Our house is still unoccupied. If that is where you want to stay." I say.

"I know. I was planning on staying their. But I thought you still lived there." She says and sits down.

"I moved here about a year ago." I say. "And I have to tell you something too."

"Of course. Anything, Katniss." She says.

I take a deep breath. "Well.... Peeta and I are engaged." I say and smile. I show her my hand.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations, Katniss. I'm so happy for the both of you!" She says and hugs me.

"Thanks, Mom." I say. "I was worried you'd find out from the news. Nearly made a rut in the floor."

She smiles. "I would've been fine. Even if it wasn't the ideal way to know." She says.

"You'll have to know, Mom, since this whole ordeal with the interviews... we never get left alone. Now you won't either." I explain.

"I know. But as long as I am back, that is all I care about." She says.

I nod. "So, how have things been for you?" I ask.

"Well... different. Without either of you. But... I've managed. I focus on those still here. And who need my help. And I am here to help you more too. I'm sorry I left." She explains.

"I know, Mom. It's alright." I say. "Things have been hard for me too. But I have had Peeta with me."

"And I'm so happy for you." She says.

"Thank you." I say. "It was hard for a while... without him."

I move my arms. My mom gasps. "Ohhh... Katniss. I'm...I'm so sorry." She says. She holds me tight.

"It's been a year and a half. I'm doing better." I say.

She lets me go. She rests her hand on my cheek. I see tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad. I don't want to lose you too." She says.

"You won't. Not yet at least." I say.

"I hope not soon. You're about to be married." She says teasingly.

"I know." I say and smile.

The door opens suddenly. I turn around. I smile.

"Hey, Kat." Peeta says.

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