To my surprise, the Rebel ships began to turn around all except for the captain's ship, being sure to monitor for any rogue Plague ships that decide to follow their path. As much as we needed to compromise the hideout of the Rebel group, Mara was our biggest concern. We didn't have a chance of beating them if another mutant was on their side. Air ships began to take back the Rebel ground troops to the Rebel base, leaving nothing but my ships hanging over head.

I knew Mara was still here because of our bond. She was getting closer with every passing second. I could feel it.

"All remaining Plague ships, return to the Capitol and report to another commander to get your next assignments," I say through my earpiece. "I apologize for taking you all off your breaks."

And with that, my fleet of ships began to turn around, and head back to the Capitol that was just a short distance away. As soon as every last ship cleared out, I use my senses to see if there were any tracking devices around us, or any Rebel soldiers who had decided to stay back and spy on us. There was nothing.

"You can come out now, Mara."

I am strong. I am strong. I am strong. I am strong.

I get on one knee in a sign of respect—no I am not proposing to her, and I consider removing my helmet. But I leave it on in case she had brought a recording device with her. I can't risk losing my hidden identity. Mara is the only one I trust enough with it.

Mara slowly emerges from the tall grass far away, and my heart begins to beat straight out of my chest at irregular patterns. My eyes are directed right at her, as they begin to do double takes of her body without my brain's permission.

Fuck, I am so weak.

As the sun began to set below the horizon, the sun casted a golden shadow onto every living thing including her. I couldn't help but stare as the wind slightly swayed her dark, wavy strands of hair as they lightly tickled her cheek. Her light blue eyes seem to glimmer with curiosity yet confidence, as she could see right through my helmet into my eyes.

Is she doing this on purpose?

This is only our second time meeting in person. And hell, did it feel different from the times I had seen her in my head.

She is immensely gorgeous.

My body moves without my brain's consent, as I got off of one knee and stood up like an idiot. I scolded myself. I was supposed to be the big, bad villain! Not the one who swooned over a girl.

I wipe the stunned look off my face, before pressing the two side buttons on my helmet and pulling it clean off my face. Mara was just twenty yards from my position. The bond between us is stronger than ever. It made me feel like I should do nothing but run over and hold her in my arms, protecting her from any harm.

Her lips curl up into a soft smile, as she looks at something above my head.

"You have helmet hair."

Of course those were her first words to me.

I give her a dull look, beginning to walk towards her position as my hands stay by my side not bothering to fix it. But my perfectionist side gets the best of me, as I quickly run four fingers through my hair in hopes to straighten it up.

I use my levitation powers to softly remove the earpiece from her ear. She was too late to grab it before I took it, and I crushed it with one simple flick of my finger. It fell to the ground as miniature electrical shocks came from it.

"Say bye-bye to Priscilla," I smirk, turning in my position to pace back and forth.

Suddenly, I felt a rattle and a crack from where I was holding my helmet in my hands, only to see a sword protruding through the middle. She literally just threw her sword right through MY helmet! Enraged, I turn to her with a ridiculed look.

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